Interesting and Humour - page 2681

Aleksey Levashov:

I absolutely agree with you.

After all, since 2000 and in the two leading spacefaring countries, Russia and the USA alone, there have been 34 accidental space launches and 2 accidental test launches:

Russia - 26; USA - 8 and 2 test launches. Here are the statistics:

If you compare, you have to look at the statistics as a percentage of the total number of launches. The numbers are roughly equal.
Обзор миссии Экзомарс-2016
Обзор миссии Экзомарс-2016
  • Космическая Лента
14 марта 2013 года Российское и европейское космические агентства подписали договор, превративший масштабную европейскую программу изучения Марса в совместный проект. Программа разделена на два этапа, осуществление которых запланировано на 2016 и 2018 года. Приближение первой даты дает повод подробно обсудить миссию «Экзомарс-2016» (ExoMars...

Read the article three times:

1. where does it say that "Roscosmos has taken NASA's place"?

2. NASA has three rovers on the surface of Mars - why do they need a fourth one?

3. From the article - the transmission of all scientific data from the surface of Mars will be carried out through the transponder on the NASA Martian satellite. In other words, NASA will receive all scientific data directly through their satellite. Why would they invest money if they will get all the data anyway?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
So with timewave via conference too )

That's not what I mean. One computer and two workstations.

Терминальный сервер на Windows XP — Энциклопедия Хаб.ру
Терминальный сервер на Windows XP — Энциклопедия Хаб.ру
Как сделать из компьютера с Windows XP терминальный сервер? Как одновременно сидеть вдвоём на одной компьютере? Как быть, если необходимая программа установлена (или может запускаться) только на одном компьютере, а он в данное время занят кем-то другим, а получить доступ "на минутку" надо срочно? Как использовать устаревший компьютер, который...

I read the article three times:

1. where does it say that "Roscosmos has taken NASA's place"?

2. NASA has three rovers on the surface of Mars - why do they need a fourth one?

3. From the article - the transmission of all scientific data from the surface of Mars will be carried out through the transponder on the NASA Martian satellite. In other words, NASA will receive all scientific data directly through their satellite. Why would they invest money if they would get all the data anyway?

Ask the people who are doing it. Get accurate answers.

And in general, I believe that those who are permanently disoriented do not need to read, because the extra information for them causes a lot of meaningless questions, which eliminates any chance of getting out of the bouquet of cognitive distortions.


I read the article three times:

1. where does it say that "Roscosmos has taken NASA's place"?

2. NASA has three rovers on the surface of Mars - why do they need a fourth one?

3. From the article - the transmission of all scientific data from the surface of Mars will be carried out through the transponder on the NASA Martian satellite. In other words, NASA will receive all scientific data directly through their satellite. Why would they invest money if they get all the data anyway?

Have you looked it up?

Anatoli Kazharski:

Ask those who do it. Get accurate answers.

In general, I think that those who are constantly disoriented don't need to read, because the information that is superfluous to them raises a lot of pointless questions, which eliminates any chance of getting out of the cycle of cognitive distortions.

I asked those involved - they advised me not to fill my head with nonsense as there is and will be no money for this project anyway.
I asked the people in charge - they advised me not to fill my head with nonsense, as there is no money for this project anyway and there won't be any.
Ask them three more times. And there is no need to. You'll get the wrong idea anyway. You will end up walking around with nonsense in your head, just like you were told.

Dimitri, this "news" is published not to inform, assess prospects, or critique, but to enthuse - "Wow, it turns out we can do it! We can do it!". And you with your questions... Naturally, the reaction to your questions will be negative - immediately transferring to the person.

Igor Konyashin:

Dimitri, this "news" is published not to inform, assess prospects, or critique, but to enthuse - "Wow, it turns out we can do it! We can do it!". And you with your questions... Naturally, the reaction to your questions will be negative - immediately transferring to the person.

People who consistently see nothing else but dirt in the nooks and crannies have nothing else to say. That goes for you too. By the way, no negativity. How can there be negativity if you are ridiculous? And that's at best, in a good mood. At worst, you can only be sympathetic. It is you who are high on negativity and pessimism. Observed more than once. And I responded to him in that way (just as I did to you once) so that he doesn't come to me with his nonsense again. Celebrating any achievements is far more interesting than digging dirt out of the nooks and crannies, which you are so happy to do and encourage each other at the same time. Nasty, which is why they respond to you accordingly.

So: "When the caravan goes in the right direction, the dogs tend to bark particularly loudly."

Here's some more salt in the wound. "Get high."

Elbrus-8S microprocessor to go into mass production in 2016 >>>


Just don't include those mantras of yours and demotivators. We have all heard and seen them, they are always the same, whatever happens. Events are different, the caravan goes, and the mantras are the same. Primitive. ))