Interesting and Humour - page 2242


Removed my post about Europe and the discussion about it (the post caused complaints).


I left the post about plutonium.


Did you call a tow truck?!

Лучшие автомобильные фейлы |
Ни один автомобилист не застрахован от неприятных ситуаций. Но сердитый гаишник, пробитое колесо или километровая пробка –далеко не самое страшное, что может случиться за рулём. Давайте посмотрим на самые эпичные автомобильные фейлы. Всё-таки не стоит пренебрегать ручным тормозом. Иначе машина уедет тихо и незаметно – как это произошло у героя...
- Vadik, do you have MTS?
- Zhora, if I had MTS, I would drive a Ferrari and live in the Canary Islands. I'm not the one with MTS, I'm the one with MTS.
His wife escorts Rabinovitch to a sanatorium:
- Yasha, please don't spend money on something you can have for free at home!
- Hello, I'm your neighbourhood officer. I just came to see if you have any complaints about the neighbour in flat 15.
- No, I haven't.
- But she said you were renting to illegals!
- She?! The drunks have parties on Fridays and Saturdays, music until 2 or 3 in the morning!
A policeman walks into flat 15: - Hello! I'm your neighbourhood officer. Do you have any complaints about the neighbour in flat 16?
- No.
- But she calls you drunk...

Summer is coming ...

Jay Soto - Sexy Groove
Jay Soto is an American guitarist, pianist and vocalist

From wikipedia:

Smooth jazz is a form of jazz that emerged in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, heavily influenced by the likes of rhythm and blues, funk, rock and pop. Sometimes translated as "light jazz" or "smooth jazz".

The movement began in the early 1970s as fusion, started by some jazz musicians, such as Quincy Jones, to fuse the instrumental virtuosity and improvisation of traditional jazz, with a modern, electronic sensibility. The instrument that has become most widely associated with this movement is the saxophone.

A characteristic example of the genre from the 70s is "Tell Me a Bedtime Story" by Quincy Jones, and from the 90s "Between the Sheets" by Fourplay.

In the 90s of the 20th century there was a tendency for the genre to be secondary - background music for rooms, which led to a lot of monotonous, formulaic tracks. The modern trend of smooth jazz is a more mature, sensual music designed for the broadcast format.

"Meanwhile, palaeontologists continue to wrestle with the mystery of how living creatures of such enormous size and weight could get off the ground and move at all on comparatively thin legs: for it would put tremendous strain on their bones and muscles."

And the answer is terribly simple...

The earth grows in size
В Аргентине найдены кости "самого большого ящера" в мире - BBC Russian - Наука и техника
В Аргентине найдены кости "самого большого ящера" в мире - BBC Russian - Наука и техника
В Аргентине палеонтологи обнаружили окаменевшие кости динозавра, которого считают самым большим найденным до сих пор существом, когда-либо ходившим по Земле.

"Meanwhile, palaeontologists continue to wrestle with the mystery of how living creatures of such enormous size and weight could get off the ground and move around on relatively thin legs at all, because they put incredible strain on their bones and muscles."

And the answer is terribly simple...

The Earth is growing in size

Here is another film on the subject:


The Rubik's Cube turns 40 years old on 19 May 2014!

Time records for assembly:

1. automaton - 3, 253 sec:

2. Man - 5, 55 sec:

3. What about you?!

22 факта о «Кубике Рубика», которые вы не знали | В мире интересного
22 факта о «Кубике Рубика», которые вы не знали | В мире интересного
А вам удалось его собрать?! Вы, вероятно, заметили, что на главной странице Google сегодня изменился логотип. И все это в честь самой известно головоломки — «Кубика Рубика». Сегодня, 19 мая 2014 года этому гениальному изобретению исполняется 40 лет! Первый «Магический Куб» (первоначальное название) был продан в 1975 году в Будапеште. В...