Interesting and Humour - page 2249


Everyone is waiting for the blogs. There are a lot of people in the English section. And here, I think, they are waiting too.

There will be analytics and other sections, including offtopics/communication (that is - cats - if not prohibited :) ). It will be possible to express personal opinion (in your blog). I don't know about commercial stuff there, but it'll probably be more free than profiles. The timer will probably be there too (as in the profiles) - that is, "you're on holiday, and everything is fasting".

What matters is how one user can see the blog of another user and respond ... It's done and it works in profiles, but how it will be done in blogs ... otherwise it will turn out that I (for example) will only "communicate" with google :) Another important thing is how mql5 blog promotion will be done (for example - my blog post here on my twitter/facebook/blogs, etc.).

In short - we'll see

insider :)
Oh, I'm going to be blogging there


Instrumentation by Kenny G, the famous American saxophonist, born in Seattle, Washington in a family of natives from Odessa.
Kenny G is world famous, the best selling saxophone musician of all time.

For an hour and 15 minutes ... to distract.

He has instrumentals with videos of him and his son performing ...


For those who can't bear to listen to this hour and a half, here's a short track by Kenneth Gorelick:

Michael Bolton & Kenny G - Missing you now


Brief rules for admin behaviour during the summer holiday

The freshest firewood works the worst. They're still raw, they usually require a license (if broken, there can be conflicts). So it's best to take the old sucker. But it tends to crash the first time you use it - be sure to bounce back in time.

Trench the firewall and stonewall it. When you're finished just before you go out - shuffle your feet and pour your log in there, asking the ladies to turn away.

If you have a lot of users, a tip: arrange and allocate a separate swap party in the woods. Otherwise, after a day or two you will bump into your old sources everywhere. Even more unpleasant - if someone else's.

A sleeping bag is usually big in volume, but it compresses well with a compression pack of any version. I wrap a few metres of thick rubber band - it takes longer, but the compression ratio is higher.

All power supplies other than canned goods should be consecutively archived in two or three or four packs - otherwise after a thunderstorm the power may go out for a long time.

Always check the version number and date on tins. Do not use or store old versions - throw them away without a doubt, they will not last a lifetime.

Make sure the tent always has good firmware. Especially if it has some kind of Windows emulator installed - a potential security hole.

Never leave the canopy unmounted overnight. Otherwise a bunch of small hackers will swoop in and poke around till morning.

If you can, get yourself an antivirus against encephalitis bug and tetanus. Do not put yourself, use the standard doctor - it will prescribe everything and put it properly under the blade.

When packing a backpack, don't use kits that weigh a lot - look for lighter and more compact counterparts. Otherwise there will be a space problem. Remember: frequent reloading of your spine can cause a disk crash! Recovering a disc is a big hassle.

Keep your keys and documentation on you carefully: in an airtight bag in a backpack pocket or in a case around your neck. If you lose them, you won't be able to recover them.

Erase the software more often, replace it with fresh ones. Dry over the firewall, but not too close.

If you see a bear, don't ping it. Behave by default.

Go into the shed carefully - there can be serious rakes.

Earth Wind and Fire at this year's festival in Indonesia

Kaori Kobayashi is a Japanese woman, world-renowned saxophonist, and simply a beautiful woman.

Her album - Kaori Kobayashi Solar ( Full Album )


If anyone has trouble listening to this for an hour - here it is - 小林香織 Kaori Kobayashi Sunshine (seven minutes)

I understand John Lennon ... he back then ...


Good night (live a lighter life)