Apophenia as an apologist for clairvoyance in the capital markets. - page 10


If we examine the fractal structure of the EUR/USD chart, we will find a correlation with the fractal structures of the GBP/USD and EUR/GBP charts, which is expressed in almost simultaneous completion of fractal time intervals with different orders.









Although the fractal structures of EUR/USD, GBP/USD and EUR/GBP are different, the time coordinates of the points of local and global extrema on the charts are almost identical in most cases.



Dow Jones Index commodity cross-courses.

In addition to analysing the fractal structure of Dow Jones currency cross-rate charts, we also need to analyse the cross-rates of the index in relation to commodity prices. The most important for analysis are the cross rates of the Dow Jones index to Oil and Gold.



If we divide the value of Dow Jones index by the price of Oil, then we will get the index value in barrels, and if we divide it by the price of Gold, we will get the index value in ounces.



In spite of the fact that the fractal structures of the charts of Dow Jones, Brent and Gold are different, the correlation between the time intervals of fractals in these fractal structures is observed.



Dow Jones index cross rates.

A complete analysis of the US stock market is impossible without analysis of the world stock market. The analysis of the fractal structure of the Dow Jones stock index chart should always be accompanied by the analysis of the fractal structure of other stock index charts and their cross rates.


Cross-rate of stock indices is a ratio of values of one stock index to values of another stock index. The cross rate of a stock index shows the rate of change in the values of one index in relation to the values of another index.


Fractal structures on the charts of different stock indices are different, but despite this, there is a correlation between the time interval values of the fractals that make up the fractal structures.

Then they are surprised that all sane people are fleeing the forum

Comprehensive analysis.

Thus, modeling of the future dynamics of the American stock index Dow Jones values involves complex analysis, which includes technical and fundamental analysis.

Technical analysis means analysis of the fractal structure of the time series consisting of the values of Dow Jones index with time intervals of 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 8 years, 10 years, 13 years, 21 years, 34 years and 55 years in order to find fractals, identify the order of their formation, as well as their sequence and the order of segments. Analysis of the fractal structures of the Dow Jones Index cross-rate charts for a wide range of financial assets is a must.

Fundamental analysis means analysis of macroeconomic indicators and analysis of processes in the world economy and world geopolitics with construction of future development scenarios and their influence on the global financial market.

There is no single model of future dynamics based on the analysis of the fractal structure. There are always several such models at any given time.

The most probable model of the future dynamics of Dow Jones index, which takes into account all the data obtained during the complex analysis, assumes the beginning of the downward movement within the framework of the formation of the fractal of the 5th order F13332 and then the upward movement within the framework of the formation of the fractal of the 5th order F13333.

Decrease with the subsequent rise should form a fractal of the 4th order F1333 in the fractal structure of the chart up to 2035.

After 2035, the global dynamics of Dow Jones will be downward within formation of the first highest order fractal F2.

Dow Jones_1

Dow Jones_2

The fractal that is marked in green is due to be formed on the Dow Jones index chart in 2035. The 1st segment of this fractal has formed on the time horizon between 2014 and 2021.

The downward trend is set to begin with the 2nd segment of the green fractal while the 3rd segment is set to begin with the upward trend.

The fractal marked in green on the chart is the 3rd segment of a higher fractal, which is marked in red on the chart.

The fractal shown in blue on the time frame from 2001 to 2013 is the 1st segment of a red fractal.

Dow Jones_3.

The model of future dynamics of the Dow Jones stock index suggests first a deep decline, then a rise to its peak in 2021 followed by the bursting of the bubble and a stock market crash starting in 2035.

Vladimir Baskakov #:
Then they are surprised that all adequate people are fleeing the forum

I've long suggested doing a time limit on posts so people don't spam and think.


Get him banned!

After sitting in the bushes for so many years, let him sit in a bathhouse for at least a week.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:
Get him banned!

And no one wants to. Everyone is curious to see what happens next.

It's a clone, by the way, but that's just for the record.