Interesting and Humour - page 2166


Another instrumental by Kenneth Gorelick, the famous American saxophonist, born in Seattle, Washington to a family of Odessa natives.


Kenny G - You´re Beautiful


"The more a man has sex, the more he earns. This is the conclusion drawn by German scientists. According to their study, people who are sexually active have higher wages than their peers."

Do you know people who earn more than you do? Here... I mean, not 'money later'... but first 'it' (and lots and lots of it), and as a consequence - a lot of money.

Otherwise ... like 'when I get rich, then ...'. No, that will not work. It is necessary now, and as a consequence - get rich :) "That's the conclusion of German scientists"... and they know how to do both.

"Активная половая жизнь влияет на рабочие способности человека"
"Активная половая жизнь влияет на рабочие способности человека"
Мне кажется, что все в организме связано: если активно работает один орган, то и верхнее полушарие тоже работает очень хорошо. Мои исследования, конечно, неформальные, но, судя по наблюдениям, я полностью согласен с тем, что активная половая жизнь человека влияет на его креативность и рабочие способности и, безусловно, приводит к карьерному росту. Единственное, что, мне кажется, что цифра в 5% занижена, я бы дал даже 15% в российских условиях для

The motorcade of the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs


Parking in front of a beauty salon


"The more a man has sex, the more he earns. This is the conclusion drawn by German scientists.

In that case, sex maniacs would have become billionaires long ago, and impotent men would have graced the pavement. However, the statistics is in favour of maniacs only in the part of criminal code.

And anyway, if the news has the word "scientists" in it, it's highly likely to be fake.

The British scientists are already deflated, now the tabloids are trying to slip in the German ones.


If that were the case, sex maniacs would have become billionaires and impotent men would be in the papier. However, the statistics are in favour of maniacs only on the penal code part.

And anyway, if there's the word 'scientists' in the news, it's highly likely to be fake.

The British scientists are already deflated, now the tabloids are trying to slip in the German ones.

It is probably more likely that the more socially active a person is (including sexual activity), the more connections and opportunities they have to become rich.

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Interesting and Humorous

Reshetov, 2014.04.02 21:08

In that case, sex maniacs would have long ago become billionaires, and impotent men would be dwelling on the porches. However, the statistics are in favour of maniacs only on the penal code part.

And anyway, if there is the word 'scientists' in the news, it is highly likely to be fake.

The British scientists are already deflated, now the tabloids are trying to slip in the German ones.

They're the ones who got caught before they got rich. well... and a maniac is different. I'm talking about ordinary people who do a lot and often ... the more, the richer (not the other way around - the richer the more). For example, if you have a male boss and he gets more than you, then he gets more because more and more (him). And if the boss is a woman, it's the same (her).

And if a man is impotent (not at all), how can he be a boss? No way ... no one will put him in charge...

Of course there are people who work as bosses by vocation, but they are so few that they made movies about them in the 50s and 60s.

Generally speaking, trading is a fascinating and enjoyable activity. The main thing is to choose the right antidepressants...

ABBYY founder David Yang explains how a startup can succeed

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  • Алексей Чеботарев
Создатель и председатель совета директоров ABBYY, основатель компаний Cybiko и iiko, известный IT- и венчурный бизнесмен, а в последнее время и ресторатор Давид Ян сейчас 80% времени проводит в США. Остальные дни и часы делятся между Россией и другими странами, где находятся компании-партнеры или офисы его предприятий. Ну а поскольку партнеров...
Japanese scientists have invented a screen that floats in the air. The new technology will allow users to work with texts and images without physical contact with the gadget.