Interesting and Humour - page 2164

The history of the American myth
История американского мифа
История американского мифа
В минувший понедельник жители американского штата Аляска отмечали День Уильяма Генри Сьюарда — государственного секретаря США в администрациях Авраама Линкольна и Эндрю Джонсона. Это официальный выходной в штате, отмечается каждый последний понедельник марта. Сьюарда жители Аляски почитают за то, что именно благодаря его усилиям 30 марта 1867...
222 everyone to bed

Happy Holidays, darling.)

and you too


Good night


Good night.

bedtime, everyone.

Yeah. It's late.

good night.

Good night


What should you do if you are buried alive in a coffin?

It can happen to anyone. A person is buried in a coffin, for various reasons, sometimes accidental, and sometimes to get rid of the person In the latter case, rely only on yourself.
1) Don't waste air. In a classic coffin, the air supply is for an hour, two at the most. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly. When breathing in, don't swallow; this causes hyperventilation. Don't light matches or a lighter - this uses up oxygen - but a torch is fine. Don't shout: shouting increases panic, your heart rate and breathing speed up and therefore your air consumption.
2) Loosen the lid with your hands; the cheapest fibreboard coffins can even have a hole made in them (with a wedding ring, belt buckle...).
3) Cross your arms over your chest, grab your shoulders with your palms and pull your shirt or T-shirt upwards (see picture) and knot it over your head; by hanging a bag on your head, it will protect you from suffocation when the earth hits your face.
4) Knock the lid off with your feet. Cheap coffins manage to break under the weight of the earth as soon as they are buried!
5) As soon as the lid is broken, guide the earth from your head to your feet, when space is tight, try to press the earth in different directions with your feet.

- Are you always this cocky?
- Only on Tuesdays. Or when I'm dealing with a pretty girl.
- So you think I'm beautiful?
- Actually, it's Tuesday.