Interesting and Humour - page 3575

I haven't been able to hit a man in the face since childhood
Vladimir Gribachev:
"And today, not everyone can look into tomorrow. Or rather, not only everyone can look, few can do it", V. Klitschko.
Apparently, I've been hit a lot.

There you go.

and also ... does anyone know... what movie is the insert at 2:59?
There you go.

and also ... does anyone know... which movie is the insert at 2:59?
Once upon a time in america.
Vladimir Karputov:

I was reminded of a bearded anecdote about a Japanese chainsaw being delivered to lumberjacks in the taiga. The guys put up a log, bang, - said the Japanese saw and easily sawed the log. "Woo-hoo!" said the men.

They put a thicker log - same thing. They put the biggest, biggest stump. "B=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz," said the Japanese saw with a strain, but still sawed the stump. У-у-у-у-умля-я-я-я!!!! the men exclaimed in admiration.

And they put a rail under the saw. "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz," said the saw and it broke.

That's it!!!" said the men and went to chop wood with axes.


A selection of funny statements by Vitaliy Klitschko (the mayor of Kiev)

I will stand proudly with my chest behind Ukraine's back.

My hand is open to you...

When asked where his wife is - "She is everywhere. She is in Kiev. Today she flew to Germany for a charity convention. She's working all over the world. She is where I am."

"And today, not everyone can look into tomorrow. Or rather, not only everyone can look, few can do it."

"Everyone went to parliament to work with their head. Some are not very good at it, so they used their fists. As a professional in this business, I can say that they were not very good at it with their fists either."

"I ask every Kiev citizen to treat this problem with understanding and I would also like to ask all Kiev citizens to treat the problem of heating and land preparation with special attention."

"I have two deputies, four of whom have been lying in the Cabinet for a month now, and who cannot be appointed. I do not know why."

"In the Odessa region, fifty kilometres... Fifty kilometres... You know, distance is not measured in kilometres. Two hours! Fifty kilometres takes two hours"

"I go in where I'm ready to go in."

"For cold water to turn into hot water, it has to be heated."

"If a man wears a uniform, that is clear, he has coloured himself in the colours he has coloured himself in. And those people who... There are so many points of view on this. I clearly adhere to and clearly understand that those manifestations, if you are already putting the question so emphatically, that supposedly we are"

"I would like to draw everyone's attention. I have met many policemen who have died, people and demonstrators who have died, and everyone is asking the question..."

"I didn't walk from the office, I didn't look, I walked through looking at offices, offices don't matter to me. I'm willing to work, as long as that work is effective, not where you sit".

"Politics has become an important part of my life. It is like a jar of cockroaches. There's who will outsmart who, who will deceive who. And even if politicians use forbidden techniques against each other, they meet again in this jar."

"So many politicians try to speak in such terminology and so cleverly that you can listen for an hour there and then ask him what you understood from all that was said, and the person can't retell absolutely anything."

"We have... what was. We've talked about it. The current situation that we have today. And we have to look at what we can...What to do...".

"They say there's no body armour, but it's physical protection. The most important bullet-proof waistcoat for each of you who have - your mother, your wife, your children... Social standards - that is the bullet-proof waistcoat. When everyone knows: God forbid something happens to them - their family will receive good compensation and will not be destitute, and the state will take care of them and they have normal standards of living. That's the bulletproof vest."

"The problem we are facing is the result of a botched policy of the entire leadership of the country and one should not look for the cause in people. You should not think that all the things that are happening in the squares across the country are far-fetched things on the part of a small group of 'extremists'.

"The older a person is, the older they are."

"In the United States, the fists of boxers are equated with weapons, and the fists of a world champion can be called a nuclear weapon. I think that's a weapon we won't be using yet."



Przewalski's horse is stunted, it can be handled by wrestling techniques, it would not work with the Thoroughbred :)

Gifstory: Житель Монголии объезжает дикую лошадь, используя борцовский приём
Gifstory: Житель Монголии объезжает дикую лошадь, используя борцовский приём
  • 2017.02.04
  • Валерия Виниченко
Дикая азиатская лошадь, или лошадь Пржевальского известна науке с 1879 года. Это единственная из ныне существующих дикая порода лошадей. Животные отличаются от своих одомашненных собратьев внешними чертами и набором хромосом: 66 у диких против 64 у домашних. Считается, что лошадь Пржевальского невозможно...
Всё о мировых деньгах и рынках — наглядно
Всё о мировых деньгах и рынках — наглядно
  • 2017.02.03
  • Джефф Дезджардинс
Литературно-публицистический альманах. Переводы иностранной прессы, события, аналитика, дискуссии, тенденции, комментарии.
Суд обязал Google передавать властям письма с зарубежных серверов
Суд обязал Google передавать властям письма с зарубежных серверов
  • 2017.02.05
  • Анатолий Кривцов
Американский суд обязал компанию Google предоставлять спецслужбам доступ к электронным письмам, хранящимся на иностранных серверах. Такое постановление, как сообщает агентство Reuters, вынес судья штата Филадельфия Томас Рутер (Thomas Rueter). Своё решение сам судья объяснил тем, что агенты Федерального бюро расследований (ФБР) должны иметь...
Vladimir Gribachev:

A selection of funny statements by Vitaliy Klitschko (the mayor of Kiev)

I will stand proudly with my chest behind Ukraine's back.

My hand is open to you...

When asked where his wife is - "She is everywhere. She is in Kiev. Today she flew to Germany for a charity convention. She's working all over the world. She is where I am."

"And today, not everyone can look into tomorrow. Or rather, not only everyone can look, few can do it."

"Everyone went to parliament to work with their head. Some are not very good at it, so they used their fists. As a professional in this business, I can say that they were not very good at it with their fists either."

"I ask every Kiev citizen to treat this problem with understanding and I would also like to ask all Kiev citizens to treat the problem of heat supply and preparation for the earth with a special component."

"I have two deputies, four of whom have been lying in the Cabinet for a month now, and who cannot be appointed. I do not know why."

"In the Odessa region, fifty kilometres... Fifty kilometres... You know, distance is not measured in kilometres. Two hours! Fifty kilometres takes two hours"

"I go in where I'm ready to go in"

"For cold water to turn into hot water, it has to be heated."

"If a man wears a uniform, that is clear, he has coloured himself in the colours he has coloured himself in. And those people who... There are so many points of view on this. I clearly adhere to and clearly understand that those manifestations, if you are already putting the question so emphatically, that supposedly we are"

"I would like to draw everyone's attention. I have met many policemen who have died, people and demonstrators who have died, and everyone is asking the question..."

"I didn't walk from the office, I didn't look, I walked through looking at offices, offices don't matter to me. I'm willing to work, as long as that work is effective, not where you sit".

"Politics has become an important part of my life. It is like a jar of cockroaches. There's who will outsmart who, who will deceive who. And even if politicians use forbidden techniques against each other, they meet again in this jar."

"So many politicians try to speak in such terminology and so cleverly that you can listen for an hour there and then ask him what you understood from all that was said, and the person can do absolutely nothing to retell it."

"We have... what was. We've talked about it. Today's situation, which is what it is. And we have to look at what we can...What to do...".

"They say there's no body armour, but it's physical protection. The most important bullet-proof waistcoat for each of you who have - your mother, your wife, your children... Social standards - that is the bullet-proof waistcoat. When everyone knows: God forbid something happens to them - their family will receive good compensation and will not be destitute, and the state will take care of them and they have normal standards of living. That's the bulletproof vest."

"The problem we are facing is the result of a botched policy of the entire leadership of the country and one should not look for the cause in people. You should not think that all the things that are happening in the squares across the country are far-fetched things on the part of a small group of 'extremists'.

"The older a person is, the older they are."

"In the United States, the fists of boxers are equated with weapons, and the fists of a world champion can be called a nuclear weapon. I think that's a weapon we won't be using yet."


Почему хромбуки могут убить планшеты
Почему хромбуки могут убить планшеты
  • 2017.02.05
  • Павел Городницкий
Вечером после презентации первого iPad Стив Джобс пристально просматривал техническую прессу. Считается, что он не уделял журналистам внимания, но это неправда: основатель Apple обожал читать рецензии на собственные продукты и очень ревниво относился к тем авторам, которые не хвалили девайсы из Купертино. В тот раз вышло именно так...