Interesting and Humour - page 2058


Don't be offended, I told you that in the coordinates of the broads, ...

It is a sin to be offended by sick people. From k. / ф. "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

... you have to admit there's a lot of people who look at the same thing differently.
That's why you shouldn't pull some bullshit with a smart-ass face on it. After all, some people have their own personal opinion and their right to choose, not just propaganda for a sucker consumer society like you.

It is a sin to be offended by sick people. From k. / ф. "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

For that reason you shouldn't push some bullshit around here with a smart-ass face. After all, some people have their own personal opinions and their right to choose, not just propaganda for a sucker consumer society like yours.

Is this a question or a message?

ZS Mishek asked a question, I answered it, why are you so offended? If you have an answer to his question, you're welcome to do so.



How can that be, it's against all the rules, there's no promoted brand and you're still alive :)

What rules? First you farted something about unknown artists and now when it comes to being responsible, you start making rotten excuses.

I'm the unknown? Everybody here knows me. If you don't believe me, ask anybody. My brand is the most well known around here. So you can buy my art for a million bucks.


Is that a question or a message?

ZS Bear asked a question, I answered it, why are you so offended? If you have an answer to his question, you are welcome to do so.

I'm not offended. I answered it, too. Or do you naively believe that only suckers are allowed to communicate here?
I wasn't offended by anything. I replied too. Or are you naive to think that only suckers - Urins can communicate here?

Yura I'm stoned, you can't get me :)

ZS In essence answer: how is it possible that a dab for 72 million sold?

Yura I'm stoned, you can't get me :)

More rotten excuses? The eyes on your avatar aren't red, you know you're lying. You'd better tell me where to send my smear. I'll tell you right away, I'll pay you in the morning, I'll pay you in the evening.

ZS In fact answer: how is it possible that the smear for 72 million sold?
What 72 million? Did the scam artists tell you that? Have you seen the receipt? That's right.
More rotten excuses? The eyes on your avatar aren't red, you know you're lying. You'd better tell me where to send my smear. I'll tell you right away, I'll pay you in the morning, I'll pay you in the evening.
Send it to the email address in my profile, I'll send it to the return address.

More rotten excuses? The eyes on your avatar aren't red, you know you're lying. You'd better tell me where to send my smear. I'll tell you right off the bat, money in the morning, smear in the evening.

What 72 million? Is that what the scam artists told you? Did you see the receipt for the purchase? That's right.
You'll have to ask Mischka for the receipt, it's not mine.
Yes, these auctions are just as much of a scam as they are a thief. That is, they get together in a bunch and start inflating the "price". As a result, it turns out that the "buyer" preferred to remain anonymous, even though it seems clear to a drunken Mishka that there was no "buyer". But sometimes they manage to find a sucker who buys into this "auction" and pays a lot of money for a piece of junk that a kid would have painted better.

Here, by the way, the chinese are ahead of the game: corruption is banned to say the least, and their artists artificially inflate the price of paintings and give them to officials (or they buy them in order to increase the price even further)... They have a problem with this kind of hidden corruption there. And then everything is exhibited in america for example at those "corrupt" prices. The scheme is unclear ... complicated I guess ... ...but their government's getting worried... there's almost hundreds of millions per painting.

I've had to deal with it, posting reproductions of paintings by Western and Russian artists in my profile for example is not a problem, while Chinese artists pose a problem (you have to know the subject matter in their Chinese segment very well to avoid getting caught up in pure "commerce" instead of art).

better post their girls with their junk :) komsomolskaya, excellent, and just a model :)

Самые дорогие художники Китая или как продать картину за $65 млн | SadPanda, китайская кухня, китайский язык, Китай, 中国
Загадка: перед Вами – три картины. Одна из них – самая дорогая – была куплена за 65,4 млн. долл., установив абсолютный рекорд на рынке китайской живописи. Можете угадать, какая? Ответ – под катом. Догнать и перегнать! Китай в 2011 году захватил 39 процентов мирового арт-рынка (обогнали даже США с их 25 %) и не собирается останавливаться на...
Send the email in your profile, I'll send you a lamp at the return address.
I told you: money in the morning. Unlike some stoners, I don't do that kind of shakedown with me.