Interesting and Humour - page 1712

The conductor at the bus stop shouts to the driver in the back:
- Kolya! Wait a moment, there's another man running!
A few seconds later:
- Kolya!!! Let's go faster, I know him - he has a fare!

- What are you studying for?
- Transport Economics and Management!!!
- You should have just said, "conductor".

On the bus, conductor:
- "Passengers, stand tight - herringbone!
A man replies:
- I can't do it herringbone - the cones get in the way!

Advice for girls. Are you an irritable and bitchy girl?
- Get a job as a conductor.



Why don't you separate the Kremlin from Russia, like the Vatican, and let the Kremlin do whatever it wants?

It remains to be seen whose GOSDEP will rule after that, there are plenty of options...

It's a wonderful road.

Vadim Dengin (LDPR) on raising State Duma deputies' salaries: "A deputy is as hard a job as if you were unloading wagons with full dedication".