Interesting and Humour - page 853


More from these guys parodying the west

A Chukcha is interrogated through an interpreter:
- Chukcha, where did you hide the gold?
Interpreter: Chukcha, where did you hide the gold?
Chukcha: I won't tell!
Interpreter: He won't tell.
- If you don't tell us where the gold is, we'll kill you!
Translator: Chukcha, they will kill you if you don't tell them where the gold is.
Chukcha: The gold is buried at the entrance of the yurt.
Translator: Shoot, you bastards, I won't tell anyway!

Erast Fandorin on a visit from Vladimir Pozner

2. Your main trait?

Luck, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I'm so sick of it! And someday, at just the right moment, it's bound to let me down.


