[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 103

gip >>:

Ты эта, при цитировании текст не меняй, а то подумают что это я написал такое.

Насмотрелся западных фильмов, где женщины пачками лупят мужиков? Ну так открою тебе секрет (который будет безвозвратно потерян через несколько поколений), они действительно слабые. Большая сильная женщина в бою уступает маленькому мужчине, так уж природа распорядилась. Психованные, неуправляемые и непредсказуемые, это да. И физическое строение у них более уязвимое. Только не подумайте не личный опыт, а инструктаж и наблюдения :) Кстати, по поводу потерять способность к деторождению при пинках в определенное место мужчины - это тоже очень и очень маловероятно, всё-таки эволюция сделала наши организмы очень живучими.

Вот ведь как меня удивляет современный человек, с такой вероятностью окончить жизнь неестественным путем, среднестатистический человек о своем организме и безопасности не знает практически ничего, ну это надо же...

I'm sorry, I've highlighted the extra words - I stand corrected

gip писал(а) >>

Don't change the text when quoting, or they'll think I wrote that.

Have you seen too many Western movies where women are beating up men in packs? Well, I'll tell you a secret (which will be irretrievably lost in a few generations), they really are weak. A big strong woman in combat is inferior to a small man, that's nature's way. Psychotic, out of control and unpredictable, yes. And their physical constitution is more vulnerable. Don't think not personal experience, but instruction and observation :) By the way, about losing the ability to procreate when kicked in a certain place by a man - it's also very, very unlikely, after all, evolution has made our bodies very resilient.

That's how it amazes me how modern man, with such a probability of ending his life in an unnatural way, the average man knows practically nothing about his body and safety, well that's what it's all about...

I used to do judo, before that I used to go to the gym, but in wrestling I used to spar with partners.... how can I put this delicately... a girl, about 200 pounds. She threw me like a kitten, I thought, well, she has worked off tricks, experience, a little strength, etc.. I got up with her in the stalls (on my knees in front of each other), she nearly broke my neck, just a lump of iron, I've been to this girl during sparring, where she wanted me to be :) Pipsqueak, without painful hold my violent head between her legs, as long as I wanted and could not do anything ... and I was very, very weak at that time.
So there you have it...

Do you want to put a half-asleep person into an endless cycle? Then cover him with a triangular blanket.
Mischek >>:
Хотите ввести полусонного человека в бесконечный цикл? Тогда накройте его треугольным одеялом.

Handsome! 5 с +++!!! Nice one...
sever29 >>:
вот Вам и уступает...

Er... well, just trust me :) Most men in a critical situation trigger the right mechanisms and you just have to use them :))) In judo training such situations do not arise.
gip писал(а) >>

Er... well, just trust me :) Most men in a critical situation trigger the right mechanisms and you just need to use them :))) In judo training, there are no such situations.

I don't know what kind of man you'd have to be to get that mechanism to work on this... girl. And if she notices that the mechanism worked on her? Fuck him and whoever was standing next to him.

sever29 >>:

Ну не знаю, каким надо быть мужиком, что бы этот механизм сработал на эту... девушку. А если она заприметит, что механизм на нее сработал? Писец таму и тем, кто рядом стоял.

Are you sure it was a girl?
gip писал(а) >>

Are you sure it was a girl?

>> the scale is tipped in favour of "girl" by the fact that she was competing in a women's competition.