Interesting and Humour - page 1292


Now you can print strikers too

3D metal printing has become a reality!




Stirlitz lit some dry wood. The fireplace hummed - it was a strange kind of fireplace: at first it would start humming, and only when it was properly warmed up would it quiet down.

- Well?" Stirlitz asked, sitting down in a chair, closer to the fire, "What have you got, my friend?

- Me? I have nothing. But what are you going to do?

- In principle?

- And on principle...

- Basically, I was expecting to take a bath and go to bed. I'm cold and dead tired.

- I came to you as a friend, Stirlitz.

- Come on, - Stirlitz grimaced. - Why are you fogging up like a boy? Would you like a drink?

- Yes, I do.

Stirlitz brought brandy and poured it for him and Holtoff. They drank in silence.

- A good cognac.

- More?" asked Stirlitz.

- 'With pleasure.


Homa being washed

Homa looks more like a little rat)))))


A correspondent asks the director of the asylum what test is the criterion for discharge.
- We pour a bathtub full of water, put a teaspoon and a large mug next to it, and offer to empty the tub of water.
The correspondent smiles and says:
- 'Well any normal person would take the mug.
- No," says the headmaster, "a normal person would take out the cork.