Interesting and Humour - page 1235

I don't recommend buying . The brightness and saturation is actually worse than in the pictures.
Have you seen it in person? Because I liked the pictures).

Online shoppers ordering large volumes of goods from abroad are to blame for Russian Post's poor performance, Herman Klimenko, founder of the Association for the Development of Electronic Commerce, wrote in his Facebook account.

What kind of people do we have? They don't let government agencies work in peace! And they strive to buy something cheaper! No, they don't want to buy at double or triple the price from our bazaars, but no, they all go to the Internet!


A woman's answer


I'd be a bit of a pussy about it...


Have you seen it in person? Because I liked the pictures).
My wife gave it to me.

Every day at the same time he comes and waits for her and they go for a walk together.

Great!!! Couldn't stop laughing for long. )))))