Interesting and Humour - page 1237


The customer said it was better than money, the forecast for June GBPUSD.


How to sell a VAZ properly


here others are already writing about Management (true - it's not bank management, but "sort of cooler") ... maybe true, maybe not ... but

Vladimir head of department of culture outraged - why is the conductor standing "with his arse towards the audience"

"А что это Вы, Артем Эдуардович, ж**ой к залу стоите? Вас ведь первые лица области слушать будут", - заявил он дирижеру и композитору Артему Маркину и предложил ему повернуться спиной к музыкантам и лицом к залу.

It should be noted that prior to Richard Wagner, conductors indeed stood with their backs to the orchestra. He was the first to stand with his back to the audience, surprising his listeners with his "unusual way of conducting at the time: standing up to the orchestra," as it is stated in Marina Malkiel's article 'Richard Wagner and his Opera at the Imperial Russian Opera', published on the website dedicated to the composer's oeuvre. All other conductors have since adopted this innovation and continue to do so to the present day.


Scream 4 movie poster in Bulgaria