Interesting and Humour - page 1174

sanyooooook: what a strange tale )
Nothing strange, it's all about people. About men and women.

"Specialists know that Cyril and Methodius invented Glagolitic for Bulgarians and spent the rest of their lives in Bulgaria. The letter called "Cyrillic", although similar in name, has nothing to do with Cyril. The name "Cyrillic" comes from a designation of writing - Russian "scribble", or, for example, French "ecrire". And the tablet found during excavations in Novgorod, on which writing was done in ancient times, is called "kera" (sega)."

Lies, big lies, Russian historiography

Nothing weird, it's all about people. About men and women.
It's probably about the importance of knowing who you are and being yourself, but it could have been more beautifully framed.

"Specialists know that Cyril and Methodius invented Glagolitic for Bulgarians and spent the rest of their lives in Bulgaria. The letter called "Cyrillic", although similar in name, has nothing to do with Cyril. The name "Cyrillic" comes from a designation of writing - Russian "scribble", or, for example, French "ecrire". And the tablet found during excavations in Novgorod, on which writing was done in ancient times, is called "kera" (sega)."

a lie, a big lie, Russian historiography

One can also write in Latin ... :)
It's probably about the importance of knowing who you are and being yourself, but this could have been handled more beautifully.

Being ourselves:

  • We would win in people's eyes if we were who we have always been, rather than pretending to be who we have never been and never will be. F. La Rochefoucauld.
  • The moment you accept yourself as you are without any comparison, all superiority and all humiliation disappears. OSHO
  • In life one must seek to outrun not others, but oneself. M. Babcock
  • Just as others came into this world not to meet your expectations, so you did not come here to meet theirs! F. Perls
  • Whoever checks his behaviour against public opinion is not sure of his own abilities. Marmontel
  • If you knew the source of men's judgements and interests, you would stop soliciting men's approval and praise. Marcus Aurelius
  • Mediocrity fights a continuous and terrible battle against those who excel it. Balzac
  • Where all are hunched over, slenderness becomes ugliness. Balzac
  • If you notice that you're on the side of the majority, it's a sure sign that it's time to change. Mark Twain.
  • A leader became one because he freed himself from the duty of advising others how to act. V.Zeland
  • If you listen to advice, you will make others' mistakes instead of your own. Ali ben Marabout
  • By taking advantage of the decisions of others, you place your destiny in the hands of others. V.Zeland
  • Follow your own path, and let people say whatever they want. D.Alighieri
  • Never make excuses. Your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe it anyway. +++
  • You don't have to justify yourself to anyone and you don't owe anyone anything. V.Zeland
  • Don't swim with the current, don't swim against the current, swim where you need to go. +++
  • The right way is the only way - your own way. +++
  • Herd instinct gives a sense of security, but fundamentally cuts off the rudiments of individuality. V. Zeland
  • Generally accepted opinions can only guide sound thinking if they are taken in the opposite sense. B. Fontenelle
  • He who carries the sun and life in himself will not seek light on the side. R.Rolland
  • Outward success is most important to the unsuccessful. +++
  • To avoid being lost on Earth, try not to lose yourself. +++
  • He who betrays himself, loves no one in this world. W.Shakespeare
  • It's better to write for yourself and lose the reader than to write for the reader and lose yourself. S. Connolly

Very interesting, thank you. But history, as you know, is not reliable. It is rewritten to suit the current authorities.

Yes, it's great to read what it was like in Russia before Christianity. But, ml@t, there's no going back...


Feet. Or heads.

How's that... waxing, wo.

Well, there's no waxing, no stockings, no pantyhose, it's more like photoshop for fun.