Legal action against Fund managers - page 2

Can you explain it? Thank you so much.

If you failed the lawsuit, your fund manager may reverse suit you with the reason of false accusation. Make sure you have the best lawyer and get ready for a hard war.





let it be a good lesson for future days. usually investors like you have never thought of this issues until you are struck with leftovers of capital invested.

my advise,

line up what you want before signing a contract. do not waste more time, energy and most on issues that you dig.

remember, usually fund managers offer such services but you are the real person responsible walk-in to the offer.

your mistake was what you claim was not clearly in contract.

move on ...........


Sue happy America

Just a word of advice for anyone considering having someone invest for you. Don't let anyone invest for you if you do not understand the risks that come with investing in forex. And if you understand the risks, and trust your fund manager, don't try to take his money when the markets go against you.

It is for this reason that I have refused most of the people who wanted me to invest for them... I live in sue happy America! I am currently only investing my own money and money from one of my brothers. His attitude is something like "I know I could lose it and I am accepting that risk." And I knew that he would not try to sue me if things went south. Fortunatly, the investment he made about a year ago has increased about 500% and he has already withdrawn about 3 times what he put in, so whatever happens now with the money he has in there, he will always be in the profit.

But please, PLEASE, keep in mind that 95% of investors in forex lose money in the long run. So my advice to anyone reading this is to learn how to invest yourself rather than trust someone else. If they are very good at investing, they probably don't need money from managing funds, so if they are seeking you as a client that should be a red flag that they probably will lose your money. Do it yourself, or don't do it is my general advice. Of course there can be exceptions, but this is a good general rule for active trading. Of course things like IRAs and 401Ks are a different story, but they don't make you rich either.

Do it yourself, so you won't have anyone to blame but yourself if it goes bad, and if you do well, you get all the profit! =)


yup, the best is to trade yourself.

but giving others to trade and make money for you also a good investment goal.

most important, dont blame the other party if the act blown, you should beware the risk taken in the first place........


certification or permit to be able to manage funds or give financial advice

I have had to decline managing funds or giving forex advice here in Canada because you need special certification and/or permit to do so in Canada.

Im opening this thread to see if there are countries out there in which you can manage funds and give professional advice without any certification.

If you know of any, please say here.

If you manage funds or give professional forex advice without certification and have not had any problems in your country, please tell us about it.

Thank you,



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