EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1615

RQ_ >>:


It's not clear...
Don't get angry...
It's a joke...
Might be misunderstood.......
I reread it. )))))
oleniknik писал(а) >>

+ with hindsight....

If you don't know your past you have no future

I agree, it is only through the past that we learn to make as few mistakes as possible each time.
Vlad72 >>:

Да, не исключён тот вариант, что мы можем слить депо.Что касается Форте и многих других, только с соблюдений собственных правил ТС можно чего то достичь.О чём я и говорил выше, каждый случай нужно рассматривать не так, что где то я это видел,не так, что вот пошла фигура и она должна закончится вот так, а сугубо индивидуально.

That's right - it started here and has to end there.
Vlad72 >>:

Согласен, только благодаря прошлому мы учимся делать с каждым разом как можно меньше ошибок.

That was the question: why is the past repeating itself?

By analysing the past correctly, you build the path of your future, you help your present...

strangerr писал(а) >>

That's right - it started here and has to end there.

I don't want to change your mind, it's your opinion and the rules, as long as you know how to do it, so you trust yourself.
I just don't believe that you don't have losing trades, and they are just from the fact that you were sure that the price would go there, and it did not go there.
Am I right?

Good morning, everyone. I think I missed the best part...

Galina Have you turned the bai into sells?
Vlad72 >>:

Я не хочу тебя переубеждать, это твоё мнение и правила, раз ты так умеешь,значит доверяешь себе.
Просто не поверю что у тебя нет убыточных сделок, а они как раз от того, что ты был уверен что цена пойдёт туда, а она сделала не туда.
Ведь я прав?

There are loss-making ones, and I've lost two depots in my time. And to change my mind about what, that the patterns are repeating? All you have to do is look at the history and see that this is indeed the case, it's silly to change your eyes. I only asked the question why this is so, and the answer is paperwork.
forte928 писал(а) >>

By analysing the past correctly, you build the path of your future, you help your present...

or teak:
Byanalysing the past, you know how to act in the present to build yourself a bright future
strangerr писал(а) >>

So the question was: why is the past repeating itself?

I'm just saying that it doesn't always repeat correctly and you don't have to follow those repetitions exactly.