Interesting and Humour - page 1028


Вы наверное ваще не в курсе, если так думаете. 

You can explain it to me, there's a lot I don't understand ... :)


You can explain it to me, there's a lot I don't understand ... :)

It's long, tedious and uninteresting. Belarus is a backward country. Even compared to Russia. In many aspects.


It's long, tedious and uninteresting. Belarus is a backward country. Even compared to Russia.

Well maybe ... but stable ... do you live there or have you been there? I have been there in their UNDP and government on past jobs many times ... Maybe you have other sources of information ...

People there are simple. You walk down the street and read people's faces like a newspaper :) They live poor... But you can almost see right through them all - there is a big difference from Moscow.

I went to their restaurant one day, nobody was there... I asked my companion why, and he told me that locals didn't go to such restaurants... :)

I was in their supermarket a few years ago and they had ladies like millionaires coming out of it :) So important... :)

I like this country.


I like this country.

Like it and business are two slightly different things. Yes, stable )) stably fucked.
Few users will completely switch to pals, about 3-4% at the most. Maybe with time, but it will take 5-10 years.

Palpay will just make an offer to WM, which they will not refuse. Than to wage war with superior forces it is easier to take dibs at once by selling the company to palpay. Everyone wins, Palpay will get a client base, WM owners will get maximum dough (if Palpay shares are desired), everyone is happy and everything is bloodless.

But this is the fantasy of an over-excited brain. But this is just a fantasy of an over-excited brain.

Like and business are two slightly different things. Yes, stable )) stably fucked.

It's a nice country. That's why I moved there. No better or worse than Russia, different.

Like and business are two slightly different things. Yes, stable )) stably fucked.

Continuing the same theme in the morning is not good ... But where was the last time you saw a picture like this: people going to work in the morning, working in the afternoon and driving home from work in the evening? That's the way their country lives in cities. The last time I saw such a picture was in Switzerland (sorry for comparing Belarus with Switzerland).


And here? Here in Kaliningrad if somebody works in the daytime, he either got a job with a petty bank or had to go and work somewhere... :)

You go to ATM to withdraw money from a card - and they're all busy - all the money is on the card, and it takes so long ... Where do people get so much money and why do they always have to put it on cards? You stand there for hours ... Then you go to the bank to make a payment (private), you stand in line for a few hours (people have been taking out loans and there they are). They send you to the currency control, you go to the office, they ask "Why do you send USD 60 to the UK?", you give them a photocopy of the order, they ask "How can I contact you? I say my email in English letters. Currency control "chi-what?". I say, "English with just a twist like that... "foreign g is like a russian uppercase d ..... then the letter a in a circle, and yahoo dot com." Currency control: "chi-chivo?" I say: "igrek, a, ash, two o, dot, s, o and m".

I was talking about Kaliningrad... by the way, the city is not considered the world's shithole :)


Continuing the same theme in the morning is not good ... But where was the last time you saw this picture: people driving to work in the morning, working in the afternoon and driving home from work in the evening?

in north korea, everything's buzzing.
Funny quotes from explanatory notes after an accident

1) I wanted to press the brake pedal, but couldn't find it.

2) Yes, I hit a pedestrian. But his fault is confirmed by the fact that this has happened to him before.

3) The accident that happened was not my fault but that of a young girl in a miniskirt walking on the pavement! If you are a man, this explanation is enough for you, but if you are a woman, you still won't understand anything!

4) I saw that a pedestrian didn't know which way to go and I ran into him.

5) I was driving behind the car. Suddenly he started flashing both 'turn signals' at once. I could not understand which way he was turning and hit him.

6) Your arguments are ridiculous. Find someone stupider than me for such excuses, though you are unlikely to find one.

7) I was driving on the right lane of Mira Avenue towards the centre at about 40km/h. Suddenly a child jumped out onto the road and I braked. The driver following me decided to take advantage of that and crashed into me.

8) The policeman ordered me to stop and I hit a pole.

9) Because of the severe damage, my bike and I had to be towed away.

10) My son did not hit any woman. He drove past her. And her injuries were caused by the air current.

11) My bike flew out of the footpath, rammed into a parked Porsche and drove on without me.

12) I was crossing the street. A car was coming straight at me on the left. I thought it was going to pass me and took a step back. But it turned towards me again. When I noticed this, I took two steps forward. The driver didn't react in any way and kept coming at me. Then he shouted: "Stay where you are, you idiot!" I stood up and that's when he came at me.

13) Last night on my way home, I drove my car into a fence. I only report this to cover the damage to the car, as I managed to flee the scene undetected.

14) I estimate the damage to be between 250,000 and a quarter of a million euros.

15) I had a sudden attack of color blindness at an intersection.

16) The person involved in the accident crashed into me without first informing me of his intentions.

17) The accident occurred because the insured's moped drove into me with overwhelming horsepower.

18) A pedestrian rushed towards my car and disappeared silently under the wheels.

19) Even before I hit him it was clear to me that this old man would not make it to the other side of the street.

20) A totally invisible car appeared out of nowhere, crashed into me and just like that disappeared without a trace.

21) After four years of driving, I fell asleep at the wheel.

22) The moment I wanted to kill a fly, I hit a telegraph pole.

23) I saw a pedestrian's sad face slowly drift past and then it hit my windscreen.

24) The injured horse was crossing the road without making sure there was no obstruction!

25) The victim's car was moving left, then right, then left again until I finally managed to hit it.

26) I was driving backwards and therefore could not see the car in front and crashed into me from left and right.

27) The deer picked up his legs and disappeared into the bushes, not caring about his wounds.

28) A hare jumped out onto the road in a suicide dash. He managed to kill himself at the cost of my new bumper.

29) A pedestrian was running up and down the road like a wind-up. I had to actively manoeuvre to hit him.

30) I was driving down the road. Suddenly there were a lot of cars on the right and left. I didn't know where to turn and crashed into cars in front and behind.

31) I drifted into a left-hand corner, hit a vegetable stand (I was hit by a hail of bananas and oranges!) , then knocked over a mailbox on the side of the road, then was thrown into the oncoming lane, rammed two parked cars and crashed down the side of the road. After that I unfortunately lost control of the car.

32) My fiancée showed the police at the accident scene everything they could want to see.