Interesting and Humour - page 1031

Money is not a problem, money has always been, is and will always be. It's just that it's temporarily gone! (B.A. Berezovsky)

What a bastard! Probably used to work at the CD.)

Transport stops have been specially designed for our weather. The designers took everything into account. They made glass roofs in case of heat. In case of wind, there are openings in the walls. In case of frost, iron seats.
A question for Armenian radio:
- What do a miniskirt and a burqa have in common?
- Both help ugly girls hide their faces!
A man at the bar with a heartbroken face asks for a hundred grams. The barman says, "What's up?" (M) See, bro, I had my first blow job today. (B) Congratulations! Here's another hundred grams on the house! How was it, did you like it? (M) It was all right, but the fucking taste...

4 May 2012


But it's time to go to the doctor. I say hello doctor, I have two bears, and I'm kind of a bear myself.


But it's time to go to the doctor. I say hello doctor, I have two bears, and I'm kind of a bear myself.

Don't be. Psychiatrists are a little bit of a "dope" themselves. They just don't know it. )))