Interesting and Humour - page 1419

- I won't say, but there is information that it's a joke of a Polish website, like a "baize". The noblemen have fun like that).
It seems so to me too, no matter how small the bear is, just with their fists - I don't believe it.
I don't think so either, no matter how small the bear is, I don't believe it, just with my fists.

That's right.

You can't beat a big dog with your fists.


That's right.

You can't beat a big dog with your fists.

Then you can charge the Polacks. For lying.


A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes ( 30 minutes!!! Figures!!!!) 2. A catfish has over 27000 taste buds (Why?? What's so tasty on the bottom???) 3.A cockroach lives for 9 days without its head, after which it starves to death. (And I keep thinking about the pig!!!) 4. A flea can jump a distance of 350 times its body length. It's like a man jumping over a football field. (30 minutes...mang...lucky pig...) 5. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump (And thank God for that!!) 6. Some lions have intercourse more than 50 times a day (The pig is still funnier!!!) 7. Cat urine glows in ultraviolet light (I wonder who got paid to find that out??) 8. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I even know a few people like that...) 9. A starfish has no brain at all. (And I know a few of those too...) 10. Humans and dolphins are the only ones who have sex for pleasure (What about pigs?????)

It is just like in the anecdote:

Foreign tourists drive through the Caucasus and see two Georgians dragging a dead bear. They all pile out of the bus, take pictures, admire them - "A grizzly, a grizzly". A Georgian looks at them - "What for grizzly bear? Why a grizzly? With your hands!"



Track Mania

I puked on the tube, stop it, I'm going to get the hell out)
Groupex is reminiscent of )
(chuckles) Kind of reminds me of gang-bangs.

I also thought, on the one hand the girl is gifted, but on the other, she's a bit of a pain in the ass.

Dart here, dart there.

(This is reminiscent of the gangbang.)

I also thought, on the one hand the girl is gifted, but on the other, she's a bit of a pain in the ass.

Dart here, dart there.

It's a robot. There are hardly any human beings left there any more. They even have robots that look like children of 5-6 years old that are already programmed to play very complicated music (I even made a video once). And this girl's new model is just an experiment so far. The Japanese, or Koreans, will not stop there. After this model will be even more complex, which will already simultaneously play all its limbs on 5 instruments.