Interesting and Humour - page 1415


This is not humour, but a complete scribble. Famine in China in 1959-61 (emphasis added):

Вот высказывание представителя городских вла InXinyang (a city in Henan province), where ten million peoplelived and where the country's first "people's commune" emerged: "There is enough food, andthere is grain.The trouble is that 90 per cent of the population is not in tune with the ideology".106In the autumn of 1959the ruralpopulation was underattack, akin to a military attack, andthe leaders, having abandoned the "common class ranks" thesis for the time being, brought out the techniques of the partisan war with Japan. At least tenmillion peasants are imprisoned and many die of starvation. Orders have been given to confiscateand smash to pieces all kitchen utensils (survivors of themeltdown into substandard steel) to prevent them from foragingat home and plundering cooperative resources. Afire should not be built,even though a harsh winter is approaching! A barrage of repression is unleashed on the entire population. Thousands of prisoners are systematically tortured, children are killed by scalding themwith boiling water and ploughing them into fields instead of fertilizer, while at the same timea campaign is sweeping across the country under the slogan: "Learn from Henan!"107 InAnhui province, which has resolved to "keep the red flag, even if 99 per cent of us die", it is simultaneously reviving old customs - people are buried alive or tortured with hot iron. Buryingthe deadis forbidden; the authorities fear that mass funerals will not turn intopublic protests. It is forbidden to pick up street children: "The more children we pick up, the more we will get".108 Desperate peasants flee to the cities, where they are met with machine-gun fire. In Funyang County800 people were killed , and 12.5 per cent of its rural population, or 28 ,000 peasants, were punished in various ways. The case turned into a real anti-peasant war. As Jean-Luc Domainac wrote, "The fusion of utopia with politics alwaysleads to terror in society. "109 In a number of villages half the peasants were killed by famine. In Henan,63 cases of cannibalism were officially recorded , particularly atthe height of the "seasonal trades" when parents gave their children to be eaten110.

In themiddle of the20th century, during the first spaceflight, in a country with30 ,000kilometres of railway, radio andtelephone, atrocities such as those in medievalEuropean monarchies were committed, where the struggle for survival was not life, but death. Now, similar atrocities were committed in a country with a population equal to that of the entire world in theeighteenth century. Crowds of emaciated people starved to death on decoctionsof herbs or tree bark, and in the cities on the leaves of poplars. They roamed the roads in search of food, attacking food convoys. Sometimes desperation pushed them to riot, as inXinyang and Lancao counties in Henan111 . Thewomen in the labour camps in Hanyang were the only survivors of therebellion , and the survivors of the massacre were the most desperate, desperate and desperate, pushing them to revolt like the one in Xinyang and Lanyang County in Henan111.Prisoners in labour camps (laogai) also starved todeath by the hundreds , their situation was as precarious as the freedom of the peasants who sometimes besieged the camp gates begging for alms .Three-quarters ofthe camp brigade where Jean Pasqualini had worked since August 1960 died or were near death within a year ;112 the living were forced toscavenge for worms and undigested corn grains in horse and cow manureto get by .113Humans became the test material on whichnew 'nutritious' ersatz blends weretested, such as flour with 30% cellulose for baking bread, or marsh plankton with rice porridge. The former causedthe entire camp to suffer intestinal obstruction and some died in agony; the latter also made them sick and killed the weakest. Finally theexperts decided on the best option - ground corncob chaff - and this "achievement" was triumphantly introduced throughout the country114.

China-wide, the mortality rate jumped from 1.1% in 1957 to 1.5% in 1959 and 1961 , peaking at 2.9% in1960. The birth rate fell from 3.3% in 1957 to 1.8% in 1961 .115 Excluding the fall in the birth rate (about 33 million), the deaths due to increased starvation between1959 and 1961 ranged from 20 million (the 1988 figures, which may be regarded as official statistics) to 43 million .116 Byall accounts, especially in absolute terms, this is not only the worst famine in China's history (followed by the famine of 1877-1878 , which took from 9 to 13 million livesin the north ), but also theworst in world history . Undersimilar political and economicconditions,the famine of1932-1933 in the USSRcaused less damage to the country ( about 6 million people died ) than the famine in China during the Great Leap Forward, judging by the ratio of losses to the total population in China and the USSR.117


Good morning

Artist Christina Nguyen


Christina Nguyen is a talented Ukrainian artist of Vietnamese origin. She paints romantic and feminine pictures in impressionism genre. Her official website.


it would be interesting to take 10 times the volume of the ingredients and put it in front of the entrances (for Old New Year or Holuen days, for example) ....


Here's another great game