Interesting and Humour - page 1023

It's an elbow (c) newdigital

Good night



Standing in line at the shop this morning, there were two retired grandmothers behind me. And one explained to the other: "They were keeping money in the banks, and the banks are not fools - they started spending the money. And that's it!".


Standing in line at the shop this morning, there were two retired grandmothers behind me. And one explained to the other: "They were keeping money in the banks, and the banks are not fools - they started spending the money. And that's it!".

The grandmothers are absolutely right - the banks do spend the money - but only several times more than the amount deposited in them.

And here I thought. Turns out that's what it is...

Rainworms destroy asphalt in Ukraine
Rainworms chiseling the asphalt from inside is the main reason of Ukrainian roads destruction - first deputy minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Konstantin Konduktorov is convinced.
- It is not a revelation for any of us that Ukrainian black earth is so prolific thanks to worms which loosen the ground - told during the meeting with journalists - but few know what terrible damage they cause to our roads! We do our best, we allocate huge funds for repair of roads, but it is no use. Worms chisel away at the asphalt and destroy everything.
Without solving the worm problem, all work on improving the roads will fail, Konduktorov said. Therefore, the ministry has developed a programme to increase the population of moles - natural earthworm eaters. As early as March they plan to purchase and release about thirty thousand Tan nhang moles from Vietnam.
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy took the initiative of moles with a cold shoulder. In an interview with Channel 5, a representative of the ministry criticised the worm control programme.