Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 129

so much more to do...Vote Hillary
Regarding my last post about Russia and the banning of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it appears that the Russian government has changed its mind about this matter. The deputy-finance minister Alexei Moiseev said the ministry will not be insisting on a full ban of Bitcoin.

“The bill is ready, but we are not going to rush it and most notably, will be amending it as we go,” Moiseev told journalists and added he was planning to hold a series of meetings with experts to consider once more what is to be done. “Perhaps, considering the fast technological developments, a blanket ban would not be very appropriate.”

In Moiseev’s words, the government will nevertheless take strict measures to limit the use of Bitcoin for illegal transactions and money laundering. “Naturally, we must not forget the use of Bitcoin for financing of terrorism,” he said.


"Half The Forms Of Life On Earth Will Be Gone By 2050" Biologist Warns Of "Climate Instability"

As Hillary Clinton began her speech at a rally in Cleveland, Ohio this afternoon, the democratic presidential candidate suffered what MSNBC anchor Ari Melber described as "one of the worst coughing fits I have ever seen." She coughed and cleared her throat through over 4 minutes of almost incoherent babble before MSNBC cut away, joking that hillary had quipped "every time I think about Trump I get allergic

One of the big advantages of being a Latin American or Asian country used to be - somewhat counter-intuitively - the lack of credit available to most citizens. The banking system in, say, Brazil or Thailand simply wasn’t “advanced” enough to offer credit card, auto, or mortgage loans on a scale sufficient to turn the locals into US-style debt slaves. But that, alas, is changing as those countries adopt their rich cousins’ worst habits.


Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts

For years we wondered why Wells Fargo, America's largest mortgage lender, is also Warren Buffett's favorite bank. Now we know why: "The scope of the scandal is shocking."

On Thursday, Wells Fargo was fined $185 million, (including a $100 million penalty from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the largest penalty the agency has ever issued) for engaging in pervasive fraud over the years which included opening credit cards secretly without a customer’s consent, creating fake email accounts to sign up customers for online banking services, and forcing customers to accumulate late fees on accounts they never even knew they had. Regulators said such illegal sales practices had been going on since at least 2011.


Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts

"And, since it is US government policy never to send a banker to prison,"

because they are just simply  "GENTLE ROBBERS"


"And, since it is US government policy never to send a banker to prison,"

because they are just simply  "GENTLE ROBBERS"

Clayton Homes has used a pattern of deception to help extract billions from poor customers around the country — particularly people of color, who make up a substantial and growing portion of its business. The company is controlled by Warren Buffett, one of the world’s richest men.
Buffet does it all the time. He did not become rich from the goodness of his hart. The "good old neighbor" is a story that he is financing and selling to us.