Interesting and Humour - page 1017

In my neighbourhood, a group of young people have gone to a dumpling factory. They have been working for a few months now. And they love it.
In my neighbourhood, a group of young people have gone to a dumpling factory. They have been working for a few months now. And they love it.
Nature has everything in its place. ))


I'm your piano you're my tuner

Our cot used to do shh shh shh shh

I liked the Weasel Magic Black ad in the cammits... Has she really been wearing the same dress all 24 years?
I liked the ad for "Laska Magic Black" in the memos... Has she really been wearing the same dress for 24 years?

Why not, I have one jacket, I wear it once a year.)

Maybe her husband gave her this dress as a present and it's the only one she wears in these pictures.

Will there be strawberries or is it over?