Interesting and Humour - page 508


There was a mouse!

Inductance on the human body is possible.

Human capacitance or inductance is possible in theory.

That's it)))

You shouldn't have written that on the FAQ.

A sensor that measures human inductance is cool, but a sensor that measures inductance in theory is even cooler.


Is it OK if I make a fire?
Can I make a fire?
No way, burn the whole place down.

Is breakfast included in lunch at your hotel?
Is breakfast included into the lunch in your hotel?

Take care of my horse.
Take care of my horse.

I would like to stay at your place.
I would like to stay at your place.

Why has my room number changed and why are there other people there?
Why has my room number changed and why are there other people in there?

You should drink less.

How do I go straight ahead?
How do I go straight ahead?

This old lady has been dead for two stations already.
This old lady has been dead for two stations already.

How many kilometres to Berdichev?
How many kilometers to Berdichev?

May I call you Innokentiy?
Can I call you Innokentiy?

Who are you and what do I need from you?
Who are you and what do I need from you?

it is obvious at the doctor's appointment


Hello, Terranes.
Hello, Terranes.

Where is my umbrella? I want to be a tour guide too.
Where is my umbrella? I want to be a guide too.

Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory?
Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory?

It already was like this when I came!
It already was like this when I came!

This magnificent cathedral (temple, palace) is like a floating kangaroo.
This magnificent cathedral (temple, palace) looks like a swimming kangaroo.

I can't look at this any longer.
I cannot look at this any longer.

I don't need this, talk me down, please.
I do not need this, talk me out of it.

Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil?
Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil?

I have no idea how this dead whore came to be in my room.
I have no idea how this dead whore got into my room.

How do I get to the most dangerous block in your town?
How do I get to the most dangerous neighborhood in your town?

I can't eat mushrooms - I promised them.
I can not eat mushrooms - I've promised them.

Have you already spent the tip I gave yesterday?
Have you already spent the tip I gave you yesterday?

Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway.
Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway.

Sorry, I do not speak your barbarian language.
Sorry, I do not speak barbarian.

I am a handy-man in a philharmonic - I tile the music.
I am a handy-man in a philharmonic. I'm setting tile on the music.
That's strong, I cried.

Can you smell me?
Can you smell me?

I've promised my family I'd bring the heart of an infidel.
I've promised my family I'd bring them the heart of the infidel.

Where can I find a self-service dentist?
Where can I find a self-service dentist office?

Does your primitive language have any words for gratitude?
Does your primitive language have any words of gratitude?

Could you hold my knife for a moment?
Run away from me as fast as you can?

My family is usually lenient towards people like you.
My family is usually lenient towards people like you.

Let me go, I have a right to an avocado call!
Let me go, I have a right to call my avocado!

Can you use my toothbrush?
Can you use my toothbrush?


Two harakiri with rice, please.
Two harakiri with rice, please.

Do you have cola without gas?
Do you have cola without gas?

Misha, give me the original source.

The eyedropper. Zoologists have discovered a new species:Pegasus Olenus

Misha, give me the source.

You have to ask 0vedynia0

If you don't want to register, I can copy your question to her.

Nah, that link is good enough for me, thanks.
Nah, that's good enough for me, thanks.

Do you want to share? I want to laugh too :)))


That's it)))

You shouldn't have written the FAQ.

a sensor that measures induction on a person's body is cool, but a sensor that measures inductance is even cooler in theory.

Sensor that measures inductance, that's exactly what it is - a sensor, such technology was used on old soviet ULPTs, but the trouble is, then you have to hang saw blade on insulators, and it will be hard to calculate inductance from body over motor inductance. So that leaves the good old capacitive sensor. And inductance is negligibly small, well, if you twist it with a ring, or knot something up, it should increase...

Do you want to share? I want to laugh too :)))

It's higher up on JG. I asked for the link to give to my workplace.

This is exactly the same technology that was used on old Soviet ULPTs, but the problem is that then the saw blade would have to be suspended on insulators, and it would be difficult to calculate the body's pickup from the motor's pickup. So that leaves the good old capacitive sensor. And the inductance is small, but if you put a ring around it, or tie something in a knot, it will increase...
Is the inductance on the body more than 1cm away from it?