Errors, bugs, questions - page 1273


Compilation error

i and j are not available in derived class D, although declared as public and protected respectively.
In MQL, protected becomes private after public inheritance. Therefore, j is not visible in D-class.
In MQL, protected becomes private after public inheritance. Therefore j is not visible in D-class.


class L {
protected:           //protected
        int i;

class M : public L { //после public-наследования
        int f() { return ( i ); }

class N : public M {
        int g() { return ( i ); } //нормально
does not become private - no compilation errors


does not become private - no compile errors
Yes, it doesn't. Didn't bother to check it.

Compilation error

i and j are not available in the derived class D, although declared as public and protected respectively
Thanks for the reference, we will check

Controversial result - character constants as part of the string

void OnStart()
        Print( "\x32" ); //результат: 2   - нормально
        Print( "\62" );  //результат: \62 - спорно, ожидалось: 2
        Print( "\\62" ); //результат: \62 - нормально

If a single slash, it was expected to be followed by a decimal charactercode(if one exists)

decimal code



decimal number from 0 to 65535

void OnStart()
        Print( "\x2660"  ); //результат: ♠
        Print( "\\x2660" ); //результат: \x2660
Here the single slash and double slash are differentiated, and above it is not
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Символьные константы
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Символьные константы
Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Символьные константы - справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5
HistorySelect() Has maximum minute accuracy? discrepancies occur if a trade is closed and a new trade is opened on the same minute
Does HistorySelect() have a maximum minute accuracy?
No, the accuracy is seconds. Set the end date well in advance, not TimeCurrent().

Can you tell me, please,
For the SendMail function there is definitely no limit on the frequency of sending messages?
Because for some reason it seems that before (half a year ago) there were mentions about the limitation in the help description, similar to those for SendNotification.


Can you tell me, please,
For the SendMail function there is definitely no limit on the frequency of sending messages?
Because for some reason it seems that before (half a year ago) there were mentions about the limitation in the help description, similar to those for SendNotification.

If you send emails too often, the mail server may block sending them.

Because spammer, ddoser, etc.

Reverse owl, when you open an order closing a previous trade with a larger volume, the position remains the same, because only the direction is changing, as written in the help - Reverse position does not change the position ID, then why does the time of opening POSITION_TIME ?