Errors, bugs, questions - page 1277

How about trying to select by broker? Although, I think you've already tried...)
I have tried it, I have seen seven signals from the broker - four with the number 100, but seven of these accounts have the same server, as if everything should be the same, I thought fifteen minutes ago it might be a bug, but now I think it might be a tricky trick - the truth?
I have a broker that has seven signals, four of them with number 100, but seven of these accounts have the same server, as everything should be the same, I thought fifteen minutes ago it might be a bug, but now I think it might be a tricky trick - but the truth?
It remains to wait for the guys from Service Desk, or search for interesting features on the broker's site for accounts.
It remains to wait for the guys from Service Desk, or search the broker's website for interesting features for accounts.
I could not find anything there, although they also have cent accounts.) Now the chances are even - either chip or cent :)
I want to search MetaEditore for the phrase "Day Trader Market Profile". This is an indicator of their kodobase. But it is not found. Tried sorting by date in the library tab - but again I can't find the indicator. Code posted 2014.02.17.

Error during execution - incorrect result

#define  USE_LIBRARY
class A { public:
                A() : a( 1 ) {}      // a = 1 - конструктор
        void f() { a = 2; }          // a = 2 - вызывается в h(...)
        int a;
class B { public:
                B( A* aa ) : a( aa ) {}
        void f() const { a.f(); }
        A *a;
ifndef _HEADER_
#import "Test3.ex5"
        void h( B* b );
#include "Test3.mq5"

void OnStart()
        A a;
    Print( "До:     ", a.a ); // 1
        B b( GetPointer( a ));
        h(   GetPointer( b ));
    Print( "После:",   a.a ); // 1 - ничего не изменилось, а должно быть: 2
#property library
#define _HEADER_
#include "Test2.mq5"
#undef _HEADER_

void h( B* b ) export { b.f(); }

Result: Before: 1, After: 1

and it should be Before: 1, After: 2

which is confirmed by transferring function h(...) from "Test3.mq5" to"Test2.mq5", for example, like this

//#define USE_LIBRARY

Error during execution - incorrect result

Result: Before: 1, After: 1

and it should be Before: 1, After: 2

which is confirmed by transferring function h(...) from "Test3.mq5" to"Test2.mq5", for example, like this

Thanks for the reference, we will check

Incorrect counting of votes


Incorrect counting of votes

So there seemed to be a poll with multiple choice options.
I thought there was a poll with multiple choice.
Man, I can't even remember now)))

Please tell me what the number 100 means after USD