Elite indicators :) - page 356



Here you go. Was not sure what exactly do you men, so added both alerts and arrows




Hi Mladen,

When you have a moment, would you please add Alerts in form of "Arrows on Candles" onto this indicator for me please? Alert when price goes through 50%-level.

Much appreciated.


Always much appreciated Mladen


Here you go. Was not sure what exactly do you men, so added both alerts and arrows




Sorry if I was not clear enough, but it is a challenge to get "simple things" explained to an overdrive brain like yours, I guess.

Much appreciate your time though.

Best regards.


Would it be possible to change the attached indicator

so that the MTF candles are drawn in a separate window (below the main chart)?

Unfortunately, the trivial change: #property indicator_chart_window

to #property indicator_separate_window is not enough in that case...


You are right, it is not enough

Some more changes need to be done (including a dummy drawing buffers in the case of this indicator, otherwise it would show completely distorted value). So, here you go



Would it be possible to change the attached indicator

so that the MTF candles are drawn in a separate window (below the main chart)?

Unfortunately, the trivial change: #property indicator_chart_window

to #property indicator_separate_window is not enough in that case...

RSi TM #2

Bill, just the latest long a few minutes ago per illustration:

Look at the overheated RSi indicated by the first Red Arrow - that is when I got to my PC.

The entry after a higher low made by the Rsi @ 07h50.

I use different candles so my entry was actually at open of 4th candle from the vertical line @ 07h50. So my entry was @ 08h10.

Thanks again.

Best regards.


Some more changes need to be done (including a dummy drawing buffers in the case of this indicator, otherwise it would show completely distorted value). So, here you go

Mladen, it works perfectly; very many thanks for your invaluable help!


For quite some time we are having indicators from the "Traders' tips" of Technical Analysis of Stock and Commodities here as soon as the magazine is issued. This one was posted in the advanced elite section first simply because one member have asked it there, but since he agress too, we are re-posting it here too so we are keeping our little tradition alive

This one is from the latest (August 2011) issue of TASC : TRADERS’ TIPS - August 2011

What it does is the following : it marks bars in specific sequence from the start of the day. Fibonacci sequence goes like this 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181 and 6785 and Lucas sequence is the following 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, 322, 521, 843, 1364, 2207 and 3571. So, when using Fibonacci sequence first the 5th bar of the day is marked, then the 8th and so on. The same principle is used for Lucas sequence


Some more about it can be read here : Automated Techniques For Intraday Traders - Andrew Coles, PhDAlso, I would like to quote a friend of mine that told the following regarding this indicator :

Unlike some people I find it uncomfortable relying only on some esoteric numbers.But they can be good tools if they combined with other indicators.So I thought it would be useful for the community.

Is it by chance or not, but take a look at today's 5 minute chart. Those color bars were there from the open of the bar. I know that it can be attributed to odds, but, nevertheless, it will not hurt to study it in order to see if there is some real usage of it

PS: Colors in this indicator does not have the usual meaning but are there in order to make a difference between the 2 sequence of bars. You can change them from parameters. Also it should be used on a short time frames only : 1 minute, 5 minute ...


Zero lag Hull moving average

Dear Mladen,

can You add alerts and arrows to this indicator?



best regards



zero lag Hull ma

Thanks Mladen

but this one has no alerts (email) alerts
