CatFx50 - page 689

I am very sorry that I am interrupting this discussion but my vision is the following.

There are two great sections in the forum:

- Codersguru training courses with this EMA section. I understand it as very educational section/courses about how to code. I know something about coding only because of this section/courses. Codersguru described in all the detailes about how to code.

- Nina section. It is something about how to trade. It is very good educational section and proven trading system as an example. Nina described in all the detailes about how to trade.

Probable you are talking about presenting the material/system (hypothetical pips and so on)? It does not matter. Any teacher is selecting his/her own way about how to deliver the lectures. Matter is the following:

Those two sections are the most significant sections in our forum.

Hi, Newdigital!

I want to appreciate publicly your post and support. I have to thank too, once more time, the work of Igorad, Kalenzo and Shadow.

CatFX50 is an easy "system" without an exit. It has been translated into whatever language you can imagine. There are a lot of people that use it or have it in the background. I've stated more than a thousand times that the amount of pips we see in the recaps are "hypotethical". I'm not cheating anybody here. The recaps show us the total of pips the signal generates. They do not show us the total of pips we've made. It is not the best system or strategy in FOREX world. There are systems out there much more better than CatFX50. But when I see price above EMA50 with Histo in green mode, I know we are bullish. I do not know for how long though. My levels help me to corroborate that signal.

Thanks to Daily Range Indicator (thanks FXIgor) we can use a more logic and reasonable stop and not that fixed one of 34 pips.

I'm not bullish no bearish. I do not try to predict the future. In fact, I don't care at all if EURUSD is going to 1,4000 or to 1,1000.

I've been asked to set up a signal service. I can not do it. I'm a part time trader. I have a daily job. I do not trade for a living. But I do not discard that suggestion in the future. I do know, though, the kind of signals the subscribers would get: they would be based on CatFX50, CatFX15, CatFX5, my levels and my understanding of the market. As I trade the news too, there would be something about it.

Let me tell you now, sorry, the amount of pips CatFX50 has generated since its last signals:

EURUSD, level 4 buy (21-11-06 at 20:00cet-- out of regular CatFX50 trading time) @ 1,2828 with stop loss at 1,2811. It has made a high at 1,3109.

+ 281 pips. The right buy was, though, at 1,2841 (the line in the sand on the pair --- Nina's level ---). So, if you want, subtract 13 pips to that gain.

USDCHF, level 1 sell (21-11-06 at 17:00cet) @ 1,2409 wit stop loss at 1,2453. A huge stop. Wait for a better entry. Sell right fractal down at 1,2405 with stop loss at 1,2433 (20:00cet). It has made a low at 1,2072.

+ 333 pips.

GBPUSD, level 4 buy (20-11-06 at 10:30cet) @ 1,8960 with stop loss at 1,8929. It has made a high at 1,9358.

+ 398 pips.

TOTAL= + 1013 pips.

What I can not understand is why all these future predictors were buying the $. They were buying the $ without looking at 1,2840 on EURUSD. A great, great mistake that can only be imputed to their fanaticism.

Let me post now what trading maven Dennis Gartman says:

Trade Like a Wizened Mercenary Soldier: We must fight on the winning side, not on the side we may believe to be correct economically.

In Bull Markets One Can Only Be Long or Neutral, and in bear markets, one can only be short or neutral. This may seem self-evident; few understand it however, and fewer still embrace it.

Keep Your Technical Systems Simple: Complicated systems breed confusion; simplicity breeds elegance. The great traders we've known have the simplest methods of trading. There is a correlation here!

To be continued.



100% nina....

mike and bubble amen couldnt agree with you more for almost a year been saying the same thing to no avail let them live in fantasy land while we make real money


Harold, I thought that you are done with this thema and CATFX50, but I see that you never give up! Harold, I even see that you found new friends (mike & bubble - all together joined dark side ). All together combined in saying that CAT is a piece of sh...

Well, Harold, look at it from that side: U say that Cat is fantasy - not a real trading system... well I think UR mad becouse U are so stupid that you can't understand it's simple and very proftable rules. And you can't trade without two big dots on the screen enter here - exit here.

I could say you a few words about this system, how much cash it generates, how good is to trade with Nina, and how good trader he is. I traded with Nina for a while some time ago - he's really good teacher and expirienced trader. I think he's trading tips which was posted many times here are very precious. Fact that you can't understand and use them says everything about you.

You also didn't show us how do u trade. Look - Nina wrote that this system made hipotetical more than 1000 pips last time, try to show us statement from your demo (becouse I don't think that u r real trader) with more than 500 pips MONTHLY - not daily -> MONTHLY. Show us how good U R, and how big cash you can make.

If you can't do that - take your friends, take your tools, make your homework and get back to school.


Ps. It is always a pleasure to write something to you Harold ! You are my favourite kid!


Thanks for your input in this thread Nina !



My view for this Monday:

I think we could see a huge gap up at the opening of Asia session.

EURUSD has strong resistance at 1,3176.

GBPUSD has strong resistance at 1,9460 and 1,9505.

USDCHF has strong support at 1,1934 - 12 and 1,1865.

USDJPY has strong support at 115,10 - 114,88 and 114,40.

Don't forget to look at US Dollar Index. Support at 83,26 and 82,80.

If I'm wrong, sorry.



Trade catfx or forget it and go away!

To the Mikes, Harolds and Bubbles here,

I do not understand what is the driving force of you to attack catfx and Nina.

Catfx delivers a simple entry strategy and as Nina stated over a hundred times, the pips he notes here in the thread (in positive as in negative) are the maximum movement after the given entry signal - not regarding which retracement occurs meanwhile. IMO it is great that he shares this way he trades with others.

I have stopped my activity on this forum some months ago, like others have done it in the past on other forums. The reason: Bellyachers like you, who are not able to give constuctive contributes to the other members here and only have the ability to disturb. Try to accept the advices and experiences of others they give for free to work on your own trading style. Or decide yourself that they are not worth to hear on them and go away! This is no self-service store where you can get and want more and more and more ...

The catfx entry rules are clear and straightforward. Trading is not a game where you can buy or even get a step by step winner strategy or live calls for free to follow them. To be successful on a long run you must develop your own personal trading style. I adapted mine to catfx and similar approaches with a lot of personal work to success.

I can approve my experience with Nina: He is a good trader.

(And even look back in this thread. There are some times when he delivered the signals real or neartime - before great winner trades developed - and he worked out the losers too. But even that is not enough for you - you want more, more and more - for free.)

On the other hand - try to contribute this forum with your winning approaches, your live calls and realtime signals in your individual thread.


PS: To Nina, Kalenzo, ShadowWz, NewDigital, Igorad: Go on - others esteem your work!



My God!!!

I can not believe that.

We've opened with a huge, huge gap.

EURUSD has made a high so far at 1,3156.

GBPUSD has made a high so far at 1,9408.

USDCHF has made a low so far at 1,2039.

USDJPY has made a low so far at 115,46.



My God!!!

I can not believe that.

We've opened with a huge, huge gap.

EURUSD has made a high so far at 1,3156.

GBPUSD has made a high so far at 1,9408.

USDCHF has made a low so far at 1,2039.

USDJPY has made a low so far at 115,46.


nina, GBPUSD opened @1.9460 an hour ago on FXDD, tried to short it in the 1.9450-1.9440 range for 10 minutes but no way

nina, GBPUSD opened @1.9460 an hour ago on FXDD, tried to short it in the 1.9450-1.9440 range for 10 minutes but no way


You say 1.9460????

My broker (RealTimeForex) has made a high at 1,9408. That is a 52 pip difference. What's that?



1,9468 was the High in Cable

CMC is my MM.

