CatFx50 - page 691


I could not get a single pip of what I forecasted. Why? Because my broker opens at 11:30cet. When it did, the move was already done.

About levels: propietary. Sorry. Take them as a gift.


What gift if you can not follow your own singals? I do not take any predictions from anyone. I thought you were teaching people. Following any proprietory or secret information without adopting it in your own system is a path to a welfare program. Shocked to hear that you are advocating it.


good response jane also nina this info would have been available friday if your so call secret prediction systme was available then you could have put in a entry order but as usual this is all nonsense

What gift if you can not follow your own singals? I do not take any predictions from anyone. I thought you were teaching people. Following any proprietory or secret information without adopting it in your own system is a path to a welfare program. Shocked to hear that you are advocating it.


Look, mate, posts like yours are the ones that make me think seriously to sell what I know. Read again: SELL. I could do it easily: a paid PalTalk room. Opened only 3 hours each day. The road map of 17 pairs and US Dollar Index. Accuracy: more than 95%. If during those hours we have what I think are validated signals, I'll make live calls with SL and TP.

As I can not do it because I never know when I have those three free hours, I decided not to post anymore Nina's levels. Why? Because you always face people like you, people that do not want to appreciate what they get for free.

And now, listen again: I could have said I made 200 pips. Ok. I told the truth. Now, if you do not like to know and read why I couldn't trade that gap, forget it.

Good luck!



Look, mate, posts like yours are the ones that make me think seriously to sell what I know. Read again: SELL. I could do it easily: a paid PalTalk room. Opened only 3 hours each day. The road map of 17 pairs and US Dollar Index. Accuracy: more than 95%. If during those hours we have what I think are validated signals, I'll make live calls with SL and TP.

As I can not do it because I never know when I have those three free hours, I decided not to post anymore Nina's levels. Why? Because you always face people like you, people that do not want to appreciate what they get for free.

And now, listen again: I could have said I made 200 pips. Ok. I told the truth. Now, if you do not like to know and read why I couldn't trade that gap, forget it.

Good luck!



you could do whatever you want to do. It makes no difference to me whether you trade with your signals or not. That will not change anything for me, I will not become a better trader.

My point there was quite simple that if people expect to follow your levels without understanding what they are and how to derive them, they are doomed. And if you are advocating this type of trading approach then I completely dissagree with you.

I do not expect any favors from you or anyone. But if you post your levels at the open forum, I wish you could have a good reason for it. Otherwise, keep them to yourself and start acting like you are Mother Theresa


About levels: propietary. Sorry. Take them as a gift.



here is the chart that explains exactly 9460 and 9505. Nothing proprietory about it. I just did not look far enough.

Not sure if your levels came from the same chart or you simply did not know the answer. I hope ppl continue to challange you more with your secretive, magical levels.


to Jane and other #$%^&$#$


i dont know why lately so many dumbs are spaming this thread.Read it from begining if you want to understund it.If not get the fck a way from here !

Nina's system is good,i am folowing it from april this year and it produced many pips with litle drowdown.Did i make many pips ? Yes but not all possible and at least this system (indicators) saved me from lot of bad entries.

Another thing you should know Jane and oher $%^&* :

Nina only give idea for the system and other programmers like Igorad,Kallenzo...developed the rest so dont blame Nina for anything.

From what i sow,Nina is good trader,expirienced and i am qualified to say that as i myself trade forex for over 3 years.

Insted of spiting on someones work try to contribute please but first READ this thread from begining.


Agreeing with deepdrunk

I fully agree with deepdrunk. If you don't like this idea, go to some other threads/forums that matches your style.

- Sukhen


Hi, mates!!!

Wish and hope you're having good trading pips.

If you are not an EW follower, today should've been a good day for you. Sorry.

EURUSD was a buy at 1,3178 with stop at 1,3159. It made a high at 1,3273.

+ 95 pips.

USDCHF was a sell at 1,2064 with stop at 1,2090. It made a low at 1,1957.

+ 107 pips.

GBPUSD was a buy at 1,9504 with stop at 1,9471. It made a high at 1,9697.

+ 193 pips.

TOTAL= + 395 pips

Professional EW snake oil sellers were sending signals to their customers with this legend: "With "five-up" from 1.8837 being completed, we should be seeing a pullback toward the previous fourth-wave at 1.9307 develop over the near-term". This was made yesterday (29-11-06) at 5:00cet. Cable was trading at 1,9521.

At 3:00cet today, they again said: "No change. "The decline from 1.9546 looks incomplete. Continue to look lower. The lower 1.93s would still represent the target area." Cable was trading at 1,9473.

At 14:36cet today, they insisted: "The best count and the momentum divergences on recent highs suggest the rally from 1.8837 is extended and Cable due for a correction. In the short term look for support in the 1.9450 range and the 1.9300-1.9400 area". Cable was trading at 1,9559.

At 16:26cet today, again: "I still believe the best count has Cable nearing a peak. Momentum divergences support this idea. What's lacking is evidence of a top in place. A small degree five-wave decline is needed before we can suggest a top IS in place. Such a decline is not visible at this time". Cable was trading at 1,9633.

No more countings. They got tired.

Cable will drop. Of course it WILL. But this is what is wrong in EW: they think they know when and trade accordingly. And what is worst, they do not reverse its position because they are right and the market is wrong.

I know my comments against EW make some EW followers angry. I'll keep posting my opinions about EW. Sorry. I will do it because I think they could help a lot of people to get out of this nightmare or not go through it at least or think twice before doing so.

You've seen how an easy system like CatFX50 is making money. You can find a lot more in this TSD forum. A lot more!! The ones made by Newdigital, FXIgor, FXCruiser and so on..They do not want to know what market will or should do; they just follow it. A big difference, don't you think?

Let me post now a commentary from a pair of good TA and fundy traders:

"Well the question of the day seems to be – will the GBP/USD go to 2.000? If the US data continues to deteriorate like it has been it’s certainly a strong possibility. Today’s 49 print on Chicago PMI was shocking – the first contractionary reading since 2003 and if tomorrow’s ISM follows suit the FX market will only have one thing on its mind – the coming of the US recession. Of course manufacturing is only a small part of US economy and services so far, have held their own – but no one is going to wait for a confirmation. Everyone will assume that manufacturing leads to the downside and services will follow. That why tomorrow’s ISM may be the dollar bulls last chance.

The strength of the pound therefore is really not inherent to the unit but rather a function of US weakness. In fact today’s UK retail data indicates that UK consumer may be very tired going into the Xmas season setting up the possibility of the worst UK Xmas in 25 years. But for now waiting for a turn in the pair is like waiting for Godot".




BTW, posted on Sunday, post 6910:


Don't forget to look at US Dollar Index. Support at 83,26 and 82,80.

US Dollar Index has made a low today at 82,79and from there it has gone to 82,98.




you hostility against EW I think is a result of you losing big money using it before, some EW users make moneys, others lose, same applies for any trading techniques,

congrats on the 500 IMAGINARY pips you made today, no realtime trades as usual,

ok we all know now that u can make at least 200 IMAGINARY pips daily, you are the greatest imaginary pips trader on earth, what else do you want to proof, posting recaps of IMAGINARY pips for another 10 years won't change our believes that you are a great imaginary pip trader, so please please stop posting these recaps, if you do you will see me come and congratulate you every couple of days on those imaginary pips