WEEKLY DIGEST 2014, August 17 - 24 for High Frequency Trading Review

WEEKLY DIGEST 2014, August 17 - 24 for High Frequency Trading Review

26 August 2014, 22:11

This Is Your Recovery, And This Is Your Recovery Without Drugs - “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford

How high frequency trading works - the video:

High-frequency trading critic Chilton joins HFT lobby effort - Former CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton, who famously blasted high-frequency traders as "cheetahs" when he was a regulator, has gone to work with a leading high-frequency trading association

Sean Gourley – High frequency trading and the new algorithmic ecosystem - the video:

How Does High-Frequency Trading Affect Individual Investors? - How Individuals Should Think About High-Frequency Trading

High-frequency trading group hires CEO, retains law firm - Modern Markets Initiative, a high-frequency trading advocacy group, said on Thursday it selected Bill Harts, an electronic trading veteran, as its chief executive officer, and retained the same law firm that hired former derivatives regulator Bart Chilton.

Responding to a Challenging Tweet about Front-Running

INTERVIEW - How Does High Frequency Trading Affect Individual Investors?

Eliminating payment for order flow - Elimination of payment order process, controversial issues in high-frequency trading, will actually create more challenges and to enlarge the conflict of interest.

High-frequency trading, the rise of the machines - In the 17th century, it is said that the Rothschilds were able to balance stock markets in their favour by flying carrier pigeons to relay information before their peers. Today’s equivalent is high-frequency trading.