FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 22

The only good thing is that the volumes in the digits are the most accurate, which you won't be able to find in the meta... Finally, Rena said it well...
Finally! Rena, how well said! A very clever and melodious idea, like a mantra.
Rena., there's no bidding volume in mt, there's no one there at all, an empty bucket)))
Oh my god! What's in it then? And what am I looking for in it for the sixth year and what am I hoping for?
The volumes there are normal, the same as in metaque. being able to get a price from them is a more difficult task than just knowing and having volumes of buying/selling. to start with you need to understand the "physics" of quotation formation. one good thing - the digital volumes are very accurate, which you cannot find in metaque...
Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
  • 2014.12.12
  • Vasiliy Sokolov
Статья описывает теорию биржевого ценообразования и специфику клиринговых расчетов срочной секции Московской биржи. Материал будет интересен как начинающим трейдерам, желающим получить свой первый биржевой опыт по торговле деривативами, так и опытным форекс-трейдерам, рассматривающих возможность переноса своей торговли на централизованную биржевую площадку.
Eh, I wish I could do that............... I go by the glass-look at the counters.........24520 contracts for 0.8 billion-oh, no, expensive.........1 to $100-a, that will buy.........a there's my $150 lying around too........................................
But you will make Strange's and MIF's logic work in automatons - they have been working on it for a number of years for a reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a symbiosis of their knowledge of theory and your bots that will lead to an understanding of quotes.
Oh, my God! What's in it, then? And what am I in it for the sixth year looking for and hoping for?
It's good for trading and drawing, nothing else))))

the bot draws

paint different colours for calls and puts

calculation on OI on ob'em

something like that should come out :-)))

That's a verie-verie))))

the bot draws

paint different colours for calls and puts

calculation on OI on ob'em

something like that should come out :-)))

Paco and levels of different importance/weight would be conveniently indicated by different line thickness.

О! I'm here from the new computer.)))


Got it specially, for a new toy))))


О! I'm here from the new computer.)))


Got it specially, for a new toy))))

Weird, but the handwriting is old :)