FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 28

Why an indicator at once? Maybe it's just the format of the data presentation
the format is one - one digit is the forecast.

we can help ourselves too =)

the main thing is to understand what it's for.

what will it do?

So if we get the index - GBP what will it do?

there's a quote there too. but it's the same as mt (+5/-1 pips)
"code": "6BF5 C1535", "updated": "17:41:06 CT<br />
 02 Jan 2015",
"netChangeStatus": "statusAlert", "highLowLimits": "No Limit"}, "underlyingFutureContract":"-"},{"strikePrice":"1540", "strikeRank":"-", "put":{"last": "0.0114 b", "change": "+0.0095","priorSettle":"0.0019","open":"0.0029","close":"-","high":"0.0116","low":"0.0029","highLimit":"No Limit","lowLimit":"No Limit","volume":"968","mdKey":"6BF5 P1540-XCME-G",
is this a cotier? 
volume I can see - volume 

Anything to the left of the cotier - 15350 - is a kals and to the right of that figure is a putt

and we'll see something along those lines.


Anything to the left of the cotier - 15350 - is a kals and to the right of that figure is a putt

and we'll see something like that.

IRIP, let's not speculate yet. your screenshot is a mess. where are the intermediate volumes coming from?

and the quote is a bit higher on the CME page, you cut it off.

Well, I found the transcripts in my software, digging around:

"6BF3"; - it's '13 and ends in a 3, F is January and 6B is GBPUSD...

so for today it's "6BF5"


Yeah, I get it =)

but why are the times the same?


Yeah, I get it =)

but why are the times the same?

it's the publishing time, i guess...

and the subtotals - that's something to try. most likely, they're there too, if you ask. like not 15550, but 15551 )))

i'll try, but tomorrow...

is the publishing time, I take it...

OK, then why are the volumes different? Are these ticks?


OK, then why are the volumes different? Are they tics?

It's not forex there, it's like pound orders at different prices. well, whoever is more profitable and they don't need it here and now, but in a year, quarter, half a year, month....
it's not a forex thing, it's like orders at different prices.

and how can that help us?

it's only a second.
