FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1229

The price doesn't unfold from the price lines - the lines are secondary to the price. Price is secondary to the scenario - that's the scenario you need to predict. (If you guess it, the price will follow it - there are only two possibilities - up or down).

That's why I wanted to protect you from discussing dashes (so as not to start verbiage)... (1) Price movements follow a certain law (and the dashes confirm it). (2) the dashes are drawn by the price (you're right there). (3)the scenario (which you are trying to predict) is written by hundreds of thousands of screenwriters, who are fixed by the same law. Bottom line: if you don't believe in a mystical puppet, try to formulate a law. Well, if you believe - blessed is he who believes...

Who's fighting with you? )) I do it with good intentions and you call me names.

Mighty, if you want to learn something useful from the denizens of this place, ask more subtle questions. The right question is half the answer...

I can't understand the word "feed" for the life of me)
feed in Anglican means flow. In our case, it means the flow of quotes from the stock exchange. It seems that this definition is unfamiliar to you - you're very far from the exchange market and your strategies are based on near-forex notions. And yet, judging by your words you manage to earn
Well... grow up.... it's only suckers who put stops below 200 four digits....
mechanisms to circumvent the use of these stop - loss orders have long been worked out. (there are boo options as well)
feed in Anglican means flow. In our case, it means the flow of quotes from the exchange. It seems that the definition is unfamiliar to you - you are very far from the stock market and your strategies are based on near-forex concepts. And yet, judging by your words, you manage to make money.
It's possible, but not certain.
Price does not unfold from the price lines - the lines are secondary to the price. Price is secondary to the scenario - that's the scenario you need to predict. (if you guess it, the price will follow it - there are only two options - up, down).
Dashes are levels. At levels we have an imbalance of supply and demand. For this reason, it is impossible to retrieve a sum of money from the price you have just spent, i.e. it is necessary to obtain profit. What Kukl has been doing with success.
I guess. it's a good forum. all the financial proceeds to the users of the forum go to the owners)
kudos to those guys ))
Don't bother, the dollar will go up for at least a year and a half..... and where you'll put your take stops... your problem....
the dollar will go up until and your welfare depends on where you put your limit cap
The dashes are levels. at levels we have an imbalance of supply and demand. That is, there is a concentration of finance, from which profits can and should be made. What Kukl has been doing with success.
The main thing is to develop the logic of your thoughts, and see where you end up...

That's why I wanted to protect you from discussing dashes (so as not to start verbiage)... ( 1) Price movements follow a certain law (and the dashes confirm it). (2) the dashes are drawn by the price (you're right there). (3)the scenario (which you are trying to predict) is written by hundreds of thousands of screenwriters, who are fixed by the same law. Bottom line: if you don't believe in a mystical puppet, try to formulate a law. Well, if you believe - blessed is he who believes...

Mighty, if you want to learn something useful from the denizens of this place, ask more subtle questions. The right question is half the answer...

To the law of money, lines are secondary - there's nothing to discuss there. A scenario is a money-making option, here was a roll-back scenario on the euchre - now it's over. Don't predict - you may never predict, but at least analyse past prices for scenarios - find them there.

That's why I wanted to protect you from discussing dashes (so as not to start verbiage)... (1) Price movements follow a certain law (and the dashes confirm it). (2) the dashes are drawn by the price (you're right there). (3)the scenario (which you are trying to predict) is written by hundreds of thousands of screenwriters, who are fixed by the same law. Bottom line: if you don't believe in a mystical puppet, try to formulate a law. Well, if you do believe - blessed is he who believes...

The Mystic Puppets are writing that very scenario - who knows what they're up to!!!

Nestradamus, 2015.03.28 16:32

Mighty, if you want to learn something useful from the denizens here, ask more subtle questions. The right question is half the answer...

Thanks for the tip!!! ;)