FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1162

The results are always above reproach. )))
That's for sure! ). And what will be the brand, the name or the brand name?

In this perspective, yes, but it's still a bit creepy.

then what was the purpose of taking the "medium-long" bears out? maybe to blow your mind ;))?

I know what it's for and what it's for)

why? you can, with a smile, pass.

dashes for entrances, thanks strange, was suggestive )).

I got it like this today:


It's basically the same thing. )))

That's for sure! ). And what's the brand going to be, the name that is, the trademark?
Grails are not for sale)))
That's for sure! ). What's the brand going to be, the name that is, the trademark?
No one else seems to want it but you. )))
Grails are not for sale)))
I have repeatedly wanted to get off the road of learning putocalls, because when you do get the right calculation, it turns out that not everything is rosy and cloudless in forex. in short, trading in profit is very problematic. If I would like to buy a similar brand, it may be a different approach, but I don't think it is worth it.
I know what it is for and what is there)

and we have a nail in our pocket :(. (and it's magnetised and points at ...)

But I know what it is for and whatis there:

I have it like this today:


It's basically the same thing. )))

Ihave learned to pipsqueak, I learned it, and plus or minus.

If i have learned how to use pips, then i do not know how to do it.

(All about work, who's watching the eclipse now?)))
No one else seems to want it but you. )))

you'll say that when you're sorry to throw the job away. there's a market here, don't forget that.

Is "Squeeze-Razzle" okay?

i have repeatedly wanted to get off the path of studying putocalls, because when the calculation is done, it turns out that not everything is rosy and cloudless in forex. in short, trading for profit is very problematic. of course there is salvation - these are compression and decompression algorithms. If I want to become a real trader, in this case, I should choose a broker that has already been used and then I will choose a different one.

And there were a few "decent" entries, who's to blame if you don't see anything).
