FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1157


Why wait for someone? ))))

Nice going.

Strange, I've traded martini-like systems and tested a lot too. The payoff is still less than a one-order + reinvest strategy.

And also the trouble with martinis - the profits come in as good and fast as the losses


It went well.

Strange, I've traded martini-like systems and tested a lot too. The payoff is still less than for a strategy with one order + reinvest.

And also the trouble with martinis - the profits come in as good and fast as the losses

Where did you see any martinets here? )))))

So I show you the results of this scam every morning, and you're still picking your nose, where's Freund? I've said a lot of clever words here too)))

Give me the pound, I'm buying at 4530 right now.)

they will... slaughter moose...


will give...

Elks to slaughter...

Ilya, I don't even want to talk, it's the same as always, they show you a candy bar with one hand and pull out a purse with the other, play along.
Ilya, I don't even want to talk, it's the same as always, they show you the candy with one hand and take out the purse with the other, play around.

pound down...

and the candy and the purse come in handy.

Maybe you can give it to an old lady in the street...


pound down...

and the candy and the purse will come in handy.

Maybe you can give it to an old lady on the street...

Old Idler's wrong, you're not Grisha)))) They're patching the runway for him.)

I'm just waiting for him to hit it.)


Old Idler is wrong, you are not Grisha)))) The runway is being tamped down for him)

here's checking out your bai da Kuklamysli...

here's checking your bai da dollmasli...
You check yours) One already checked, can't find)))))))))))))))))))

Old Idler is wrong, you are not Grisha)))) The runway is being tamped down for him)

I'm just waiting for him to hit it.)

He should (but doesn't have to) bump it, and then you can lie there on the grass for a while)
Where did you see any martinis here? )))))
When there is more than one order on a pair, a martini is a martini.