FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 869

So you see, you've got it all figured out. Anyway, just call me from here on out - Kolyana)))).
No. You have one problem. You do not understand what you are being told and you write things that neither you nor anyone else understands. Bugs. Kolyana. )))
No. You have one problem. You don't understand what you're being written and you write things that neither you nor others understand. Bugs. Kolyana. )))
It's OK. I'll meet you, I'll make it up to you.
What is this small talk about anyway? ))))
They are "talking about life" while Forex is off.
No. You have one problem. You don't understand what you're being told and you write things that neither you nor anyone else understand. Bugs. Kolyana. )))

It's exactly like here

you say that all the rules of the trade can be described in two or three sentences, so they've already dug such a hole there that fuck it)))

Аксиомы анализа финансовых рынков (или вся правда о правильном и НЕправильном использовании индикаторов )
Аксиомы анализа финансовых рынков (или вся правда о правильном и НЕправильном использовании индикаторов )
В данной теме будет обсуждаться аксиомы и методы использования индикаторов в техническом анализе рынков! - Страница 16 - Категория: общее обсуждение

It's exactly like here

You say that all the rules of the trade can be described in two or three sentences, but they have already dug such a hole there that it's not worth it)))

It's not over yet. I mean, they are still digging. Not there. )))
Яценюк: Запад обобрал Украину
Яценюк: Запад обобрал Украину
  • 2015.03.01
  • alex1256
Премьер-министр Украины Арсений Яценюк вынужден был признать, что западные кредиторы, вопреки обещаниям мировых лидеров, забирают у Украины на процентах больше, чем помогают кредитами, передает...

Finally got it))))

That's because Kolyan is not enough))))

The whole world is already addicted to the dollar but it does not come out for free))) Loan sharks are in Africa too... It looks like the dollar index will go up again soon.

The pre-calculation of the debt is half the trouble, but if the index crawls, it is already a crisis.


Finally got it))))

did he really think the borrower was giving back less than he was borrowing? ))))))))))))

It's exactly like here

You say that all the rules of the trade can be described in two or three sentences, but they have already dug such a hole there that it's not worth it)))

Have you fallen into childhood? (((( or mushroom hunger(((( (waiting for monitoring, signals, pamm - at least something - dance )
Childhood? (((( or mushroom famine(((( (waiting for monitoring, signals, pamm - at least something - dance)
there are more questions than answers, so there's a lot to talk about, but as i understand it, the saying "brevity is the sister of talent" does not apply.