FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 871

have a drink! it's higher up ^ )))))
no time)))) next birthday in about a year, then I'll remember all the toasts))))
Mif specifically asked you that day if the loy limit had been removed or not?
See the inverted commas there? That's a question for Strange! (drunkenly): Good for you.
See the inverted commas there? That's a question for Strange! (drunkenly): Good for you.
Okay. I'm sorry.
ok. eek) (sorry)

if someone sold, someone bought - of course -! (conclusion: whoever sold has more non....)

This isn't directed at you, Rena.

It was inspired by a reading of the axioms, and this thread )))))))))))). The paradoxes of forex: - there are rams, but no wool....


"So you deny the existence of puppeteers? ))
Rules are made to be broken! Which the puppeteers successfully do! And we have witnessed this many times before. Take for example the twins and the fall of the dollar on this event. Would you say it was an unplanned event? Take the franc.

As for the trading rules, they haven't changed, no argument. And they just can't be bullshit. Currency trading is more than that. It's a system. A system of different rules that have to be considered as a whole! That's what we're trying to do here. But for some reason it's bullshit for you. You're stuck on your true knowledge and you just don't hear the rest.

Speaking of your levels. As practice shows those levels are nothing but resistance and support levels, because that's what most players are focused on. And these levels coincide with theFibonacci levels. It's an axiom!!! And you do not have to be a professional to see them. Everyone knows about them and everyone uses them. The question is whether the price will go to this level? How close? How soon? And so on and so forth. ?

So answer your opponent - I think he's got a point! (and I also think that all is not well in the Kingdom)

Dop! Why did you go there anyway? For the glory ))))))))))))))))))))

Well, you can call them puppeteers if you like, there's no denying that at all. They are guided by dough, who is Fibonacci most of them have never even heard of))

How close or far, I did not suggest guessing, I came to 1.50 - I said, I did not see anything else worth mentioning and I kept quiet, I set the target for 57 and guessing by some "levels" - that's not for me)

I do not know why I went there. I saw the name of the topic, got interested, I went and read it, then I got interested and then I thought, "What the hell do I need?)


if someone sold, someone bought - of course -! (conclusion: whoever sold has more non....)

This isn't directed at you, Rena.

It's inspired by reading the axioms, and this thread )))))))))))). The paradoxes of forex rams are there but no wool....

You're as dumb as they are, it's clear even to a kolhoznyi fool that if he bought a bottle, the seller sold it to him))) That's what I told them too, they're looking at the wrong thing)
You're as dumb as they are, it's clear even to a kolkhoz idiot that if he bought a bottle, the salesman sold it to him) )) That's what I told them too, they're looking at the wrong thing.)
repeat it like a mantra - and in 3 weeks you will see the results. (I'm dumber).

Well, you can call mm puppeteers if you like it better, no denying that at all. They are guided by dough, who is Fibonacci most of them have never heard of))

How close or far, I did not suggest guessing, I came to 1.50 - I said, I did not see anything else worth mentioning and I kept quiet, I set the target for 57 and guessing by some "levels" - that's not for me)

I do not know why I went there. I saw the topic, got interested, came and read it, then quietly got interested and then thought - what the hell do I need?)

Did they expose your shortcomings or are you not telling me something? ....
repeat it like a mantra - and you will see results in 3 weeks.

Vasya, if you come to the shop and there's a crowd, but there's no vodka, that's imbalance, and then mm - a babka on the dot appears on the scene and satisfies the demand at their price))))

I shelved everything for them, but they dumped it all out, mixed it up and are digging through it.)

Vasya, if you come to the shop and there's a crowd and no vodka, that's the imbalance, and then mm - the babka on the dot appears on the scene and meets the demand at its price))))
tyre! (and I'm not Vasya, you Comrade enough!)