Interesting and Humour - page 432

...and then, boom... ...the batteries run out...
...and then the hoover goes down!
...and slam it to the ground, hoover blown to bits!

and don't crawl on other people's walls

You wake up on a clear day, you're in a good mood, you're lying down and suddenly you see that howling thing with flippers and hoses crawling up your wall.

I'd throw an iron at it...


and don't crawl on other people's walls

You wake up on a clear day, you're in a good mood, you're lying down and suddenly you see that howling thing with flippers and hoses crawling up your wall.

I'd throw an iron at it.

The man should have an old-fashioned gas mask and chemical protection. You wouldn't throw anything at him. He'd hide under the bed.

and don't crawl on other people's walls

You wake up on a clear day, you're in a good mood, you're lying down and suddenly you see that howling thing with flippers and hoses crawling up your wall.

I'd throw an iron at him.

you're mean today, to cheer you up i usually look for "flash mobs" on youtube, i don't know who i'm in a good mood :)


You're mean today, I usually look for "flash mobs" on YouTube to cheer me up, I don't know who gets the positive vibe straight away :)

You could also do this --


Thank you!


good old science-pop