Interesting and Humour - page 873


NTV presents - the anatomy of an assassination attempt
Closed-circuit footage of the organisers planning the attack
Financial trail leads to Georgia


how it works


the problem

If anyone knows, how to formulate the right request for a search engine?

i want to see photos on the internet , taken with so-and-so lens model

no matter how I phrased it, pics of the lens come up, at best 5% of the pics taken with the lens

Websites are availableat, where you can choose the equipment to which the pictures were taken.

It may be an oldie, but still...

At a symposium on the chemical industry, Japanese and Russian industrialists meet. after the symposium, they walk down the hotel corridor.
After the symposium, the Japanese and Russian industrialists walk down the hotel corridor.
The Japanese says: "My plant employs 15 engineering specialists, and what about yours?
The Russian is thinking that if I say 50, he will not understand and says: 16 people!
After that they went to their rooms.
In the morning, a Russian comes out of his room, sleepy and in a good mood.
A Japanese man walks up, sleepless, with a crumpled face and lanky hair:
-I was up all night wondering what's on your sixteenth. Maybe I should have such a position too?


I want to see pictures on the web, taken with this lens model

no matter how I formulate it, pics of the lens keep cropping up, at best 5% of the pics taken with the lens



At the diagnostic laboratory:
- Why do I have to pay for the test up front?What if you don't find anything?

In the shop:
- I bought a bottle of beer from you.Poured it, drank it and suddenly realised I don't want any beer today. Change it for cognac. What money? I paid for a bottle of liquor!

In a restaurant:
- And you cook some dishes first, let me try them all, and then I'll pay, but only for the one I like.

In a taxi:
- So what if we went to one place and then halfway down the route we went to another, we actually went to one place. Why do I have to pay for the whole route?

From the artist:
- I sketched my portrait here as best I could. See if you can do something to brighten it up, it doesn't look like me at all. How much will it cost?

At the restaurant:
- Make me a meal.
- What is it?
- You tell me, then we'll decide.
- What do you like?
- I don't know, you tell me.
- There are many dishes, let's narrow it down.
- But you're a waiter!
- Yes, but I can't read minds.
- What do you have?
- Salad.
- I'm sick of it.
- Meat.
- Mundane.
- Soup.
- I can make my own.
- Garnish.
- Are you kidding me?
- Vodka.
- Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
- I'm out of options.
- What kind of waiters are these days? They can't offer anything! Water!
- We're just following a whim. Water it is.

At the diagnostic laboratory:
- Why do I have to pay for the test up front?What if you don't find anything?

In the shop:
- I bought a bottle of beer from you.Poured it, drank it and suddenly realised I don't want any beer today. Change it for cognac. What money? I paid for a bottle of liquor!

In a restaurant:
- And you cook some dishes first, let me try them all, and then I'll pay, but only for the one I like.

In a taxi:
- So what if we went to one place and then halfway down the route we went to another, we actually went to one place. Why do I have to pay for the whole route?

From the artist:
- I sketched my portrait here as best I could. See if you can do something to brighten it up, it doesn't look like me at all. How much will it cost?

At the restaurant:
- Make me a meal.
- What is it?
- You tell me, then we'll decide.
- What do you like?
- I don't know, you tell me.
- There are many dishes, let's narrow it down.
- But you're a waiter!
- Yes, but I can't read minds.
- What do you have?
- Salad.
- I'm sick of it.
- Meat.
- Mundane.
- Soup.
- I can make my own.
- Garnish.
- Are you kidding me?
- Vodka.
- Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
- I'm out of options.
- What kind of waiters are these days? They can't offer anything! Water!
- We're just following a whim. Water it is.

These are all examples of communication between the TC customer and the programmer :))

Thank you all, just what I needed.