Interesting and Humour - page 811


Therewill be no way for the colonists to return to Earth, which should make the project considerably cheaper.


Other qualities include the ability to adapt to difficult environments, curiosity, resourcefulness and cheerfulness.

:) :) :) :) :)

SZS: if you go to the site, it turns out that they sell T-shirts for $ 25 and accept donations of $ 2-5 for the project, it remains to find out how much it costs to build a rover and the rocket to Mars - imho the usual "divorce for cabbage" for "curious, resourceful and cheerful" .


:) :) :) :) :)

SZS: If you go to the site, it turns out that they sell T-shirts for $ 25 and accept donations of $ 2-5 for development of the project, it remains to find out how much the rover and the rocket to Mars - imho the usual "bait for cabbage" for the "curious, resourceful and cheerful".

That's too bad. It would have been possible to assemble a merry brethren, with life sentences and millions in debt... All in the classic development of new (relatively) states.

The main thing, "No special skills and knowledge required from candidates", who knows why he is unemployed and has gold teeth :)


...and immediately after the shot, the gun orders a map of the carcass, taking into account the target, several versions of recipes for cooking game, taking into account previous Google searches and dietary preferences of the client, automatically assigned a date and time of the feast at the home of the owner and sent invitations via facebook in the amount corresponding to the weight of the carcass and the output of the finished product. At the same time, a video is edited and uploaded to YouTube with the bullet flying to the target and sending the link to the friends ...


Andrei, can you do that?


Andrei, can you do that?

Nah, I'm just starting to jump.
Nah, I'm just starting to jump) .
Careful, please.

I had a hedgehog at home. Not for long. Not much contact at all. He slept during the day, but at night he put his side against the wall of the corridor and roamed around the perimeter.


...and immediately after the shot, the gun orders a map of the carcass, taking into account the target, several versions of recipes for cooking game, taking into account previous Google searches and dietary preferences of the client, automatically assigned a date and time for a feast at the host's home and sent invitations via facebook in an amount corresponding to the weight of the carcass and the output of the finished product. At the same time, a video is edited and uploaded to YouTube with the bullet flying to the target and sending out the link to the friends ...
