Interesting and Humour - page 809

Sometimes you wish women would act like ostriches when they get scared. Suddenly jump out of the corner and that's it - foreplay is over. (coughs)
Sometimes you wish women would act like ostriches when they get scared. Suddenly jump out of the corner and that's it - foreplay is over. (sighs)
And ostriches do not really behave that way. )))
And ostriches don't really behave like that. )))
I wonder where it comes from that they are represented as hiding their heads in the sand
I wonder where it comes from that they are so represented as hiding their heads in the sand
From cartoons))).
I wonder where it comes from that they're represented as hiding their heads in the sand.
That's what Wikipedia says about it >>ostrich.

It's all about the weight of the head, it turns out.

"An ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain."

Eyes are liquid, so they're heavy. Two eyes, plus some brain... Come and get it, yeah.

They're not hiding, they're resting.

