Interesting and Humour - page 746

Any program must have just enough flaws to make it work well and allow programmers to make good money on improvements to it.

Question: Who doesn't forgive bugs.

Answer: Women and tetris on speed nine.

At the end of a Microsoft software installation, it is very common to

read -
"We have worked long and hard. Enjoy!"
After working with some of Microsoft's software, I'd like to
to change it to read:
"We have worked long and hard. Now... your turn!"

There are three programmes lying in the OS/2 bin and they are talking.

First one's second:
- What were you sent to the bin for?
- For not being under Windows. And you?
- For being on Windows.
Both three:
- And you?
- For being Windows.

One programmer visits the other one. They are sitting there, having a beer. A huge grey cat walks into the kitchen.

- That's my cat. Name's Zuchel.
- Why Zuchel?
- Look. - Takes a broom, pokes the cat. - Zohel! Connect!
(cat): - Shh-shh-shh-shh...
- О! 14400.

Yesterday I installed Windows XP. Powerful stuff.

The Windows itself found all the built-in devices, a network printer, an old monitor in the cupboard and three dead mice in a drawer.

A programmer walks down the street. He meets some girls.
- Girls, you want a beer?
- No.
- No!
- Vodka?
- No!!!
The programmer thinks to himself: "Strange, the standard drivers didn't fit."

The computer flies down from the 9th floor and thinks, "I wish I could freeze..."

When a normal man leaves home and puts a chastity belt on his wife, a web designer puts a meter on her...

A shop selling computers. Seller

picks up a rich, but not
computer-savvy lady:
- Well, I got you a better hard drive
a better one...
- Better means harder?

A programmer talking to his wife. Programmer:

- Have you heard that in 10 to 15 years it will be possible to have sex with
with a computer?
- What's it to you? Nothing will change for you...

Three weeks after the wedding. The young wife calls her mother, covered in

- Mum, I just don't know what to do! We've got such a family
family scene going on here! It's horrible!
- Relax, daughter, don't get upset. Every family, at some point.
the first arguments, the disagreements, the conflicts...
- I know that. What about the corpse?

To the director of the brewery
from a group of programmers
We ask you to provide a dedicated line at 0.5 l/sec.

Following the campaign "Click Father Christmas!", the company Coca-Cola
is planning to launch the "Back Up Father Christmas" and "Back Up the Snow Maiden" campaigns starting from the New Year.

A young programmer, in his sleep, caresses his wife, gently stroking her, kissing her excitedly, bringing her to orgasm. The young programmer, awakened by unearthly pleasure, asks: What are you doing, darling?

He answers in his sleep, "I'm setting up a modem":))

Thanks to the US computerised presidential election system, thousands of Russian hackers were able to vote...

How to get a programmer at home. (Guide to breeding
and care).
Dear Women! You probably have faced with such
problem - you've bought
new furniture, a beautiful carpet, curtains, but in the flat
...but there's still something...
is not right. It means that the interior is missing
the finishing touch,
namely the husband. In that case, we recommend getting
a computer programmer at home.
He's fairly unpretentious, won't bother you and won't take up
and doesn't take up much space.
At the same time, the programmer is one of the most
fashionable and elitist
breed of husband. Read the description of the
of the programmer and think,
maybe this is the one you've been dreaming of all your life.
A programmer can be either small or large.
...or large. They tend to have...
usually has a long hairline with a distinctive
sparse hair...
at the back of the head. Many grow a beard and moustache (both of which you
have to
trim them from time to time so that the programmer doesn't
lose their marketable
look). The programmer's gaze is slightly wandering, and the
the back is beautifully arched
forward. In short, the programmer is quite worthy
of attention and envy
and the envy of his girlfriends.
Initial costs.
Breeding programmers, unfortunately, involves
a lot of up-front
You will need:
- a personal computer with a processor at least
Reentium II;
- a table and chair;
- an ashtray;
- plenty of sausages and beer for
- a 0.5 litre coffee cup.
The programmer dwells in a variety of places, but
the easiest place to come across
at large computer shows like...
. If you start
start your hunt out of season, when the big shows aren't
are out of season, you might want to take a stroll
computer shops. You'll find
three or four specimens matching
the above description. The specimens will be flipping through
through computer magazines
or having lengthy conversations with each other with an abundance
of incomprehensible words.
The programmer leads an exclusively nocturnal lifestyle,
so he needs
a separate room. Preferably there should also be
a separate phone line
or you'll never be able to talk to
with your girlfriends.
But a programmer doesn't need a separate sleeping
a place to sleep...
snooze on your couch during the hours you'll be at
at work.
Baiting the programmer requires any
part that you can
to unscrew from a pre-purchased computer. Carelessly
by waving it around,
approach the targeted individual while muttering some
computer terms.
Afterwards, ask them to fix your supposedly accidentally
broken computer.
The programmer will follow you, as if in a state of
trance. At home, treat him
with some sausages and beer. Chances are, the programmer
to go anywhere else.
A way of demonstrating the programmer.
Before you get a programmer, think about
how you're going to
to people you know. Don't set up
monitor with its back to the wall - that's
is a serious mistake! A programmer does not normally
turn away
away from the monitor, even if you shout very loudly over his
in his ear, and you'll only be able
only show your girlfriends his back. That's why it's better
to arrange the workspace
so that the programmer can be seen
from all sides.
Don't forget to have an air conditioner in the room
an air conditioner which comes on
from the hallway, otherwise you won't be able to see the programmer
Unfortunately, the programmer is almost impossible
to be trained. But small
actions like going to get bread or turning on
the programmer
are sometimes performed, especially when reinforced with
reflexes (beer and sausages). If the programmer
is dragged away from the computer
away from the computer (which, by the way, can be dangerous at times),
it is possible to take him
In the shop and make him accustomed to carrying the bag. It is necessary to
also take into account the fact that
Some simple commands that are suitable for other kinds of
husbands, e.g.
"Close the window!" are misunderstood by the programmer.
Follow our simple
...and your pet will always be awake, happy...
...and never stop...
and will never cease to delight you and decorate your flat with his presence!

Saturday, it's business day at the computer firm. A phone call.

- @#$ firm, good morning
A woman's voice whispered:
- Hello?
- Yes, I can hear you.
- I bought a computer from you yesterday.
- И?
- It's broken, can you fix it?
- Speak louder, I can't hear you.
- I can't speak louder, my husband will kill me.

When you can download candy, beer and chicks from the internet, then we'll talk about internet addiction. In the meantime, it's just bullshit and a myth...

An internet guy yelling at his wife:

-Did you cheat?
-No, no! How could you think that?
I: -No, you'd better tell me, have you been cheating?
Come on, I wouldn't dream of it!
I: - If I find out you cheated, I'll kill you!
R: - Tell me, what happened?
I: What's wrong! I can not access the Internet, the server says "Your password is wrong"! It couldn't have changed on its own! (yelling) You cheated?

I'm looking for Microsoft fans. If I find them, I'll kill them.

A computer guy walks into a bakery after a sleepless night in front of his computer, having been through installing a crooked video card, and says:
- "I'd like a loaf of black and white bread and a loaf of coloured bread, please.

A software student arrives in the morning all pissed off. His classmates ask him:

- Why are you so angry?
- I was working on the program all night last night.
- And it didn't work?
- No, it worked.
- Maybe it didn't work right.
- No, it's right.
- Then what did it do?
- I fell asleep on the bus...

- Dad, what is SPAM?

- Well, imagine this - you're sitting in the toilet, then you reach into the drawer for the paper, and it's full of scotch tape, sandpaper and excavators.

Good programmes are like chicks: they take a long time to hatch on their eggs...

To test new versions of software, Microsoft hires a complete fool with crooked hands, blind eyes and who has never dealt with any computers.

And why the personal computer was not invented by Russians? After all, all its devices communicate with each other only by mother.

Turkmen hackers decided to go online for the first time.

Ten of them were killed at once.
220 volts is no joke.

The height of persistence: typing the wrong password until the computer agrees.

A user is a person who is stepping on a rake.
Dummy - a novice user who has never stepped on a rake and therefore believes there is no such thing as a rake.
Lamer - a user who stepped on a rake on a regular basis but still believes there is no such thing as a rake.
Narrow specialist - a user who is fluent in stepping on the same rake.
Broad specialist - a user who has more than two rakes on his forehead.
A programmer is someone for whom stepping on a rake is more important than the result. Tired of stepping on the rake of others, he makes his own rake.
Advanced programmer - programmer who does not step on each rake more than twice.
Copywriter - concept limiting number of available rake for stepping on the rake by financial capacities of the user.
Gamer - one for whom stepping on a rake is most important. Usually unable to make their own rake.
Cheater - a kind of gamer; only stepped on a rake with a foam padding on the handle and usually not more than once.
A hacker is someone who is capable of stepping on a rake, even if it is hidden in a shed and locked.
An idealist hacker is a noble fighter for everyone's right to step on an unlimited number of rakes.
Microsoft - corporation, world leader in rake production
Bill Gates - mythical creature of programming folklore; evil spirit - patron of rakes.
Upgrade - the process of permanently spending money to buy more and more rakes, each one hurting more than the last.
Beta - a version in which the rake is visible to the naked eye.
Release - a version in which the rake is covered with leaves.
Version compatibility - the principle that allows new rakes to hit exactly the bump from previous rakes.
Assembler - A programming language that allows rake to be hit several million times per second.
LAN - a technology that allows you to get hit in the forehead even when someone else is stepping on the rake.
Internet - technology that allows you to step on a rake on the other side of the globe.
Network conferencing - a technology that allows everyone to step on everyone else's rake as well as their own.
Russian encodings - gift set of rakes for Internet users.
Friendly interface - rubber overlay on the rake handle.
Flexible (customizable) interface - padding on the rake handle, which can be moved to adjust to the height of your forehead.
Graphical interface - a rake that allows you to adjust the colour and intensity of the sparks after hitting your forehead.
Unreliable system - a rake that hits you even when you don't step on it.
Reliable system - a rake that hits you in the forehead even when you are standing with your back to it.
Multitasking - a concept that allows you to step on several rakes at once.
Object-oriented programming - a method of making rakes according to the matryoshka principle.
Manual - a book describing different ways of stepping on a rake. It is never used by lamers and hackers. Advanced programmers use it after they have stepped on the same rake for the second time.

Techsupport is a service which gives advice on what to do after stepping on a rake. Its first piece of advice is usually to step on the rake again and compare the experience.

Question: How do I break into an ATM?
Answer: You take a sledgehammer, a laptop, walk up to the ATM, smash it with the sledgehammer and take the money.
Question: What do you need a laptop for?
Answer: What kind of hacker are you without a laptop?

How to earn by means of "Odnoklassniki"?

Go to the settings, delete the account and get to work

- Can the person die from a computer virus?
- It depends on whose computer he infected.

A fido in the middle of the night on his computer feels a touch from behind. He turns around and sees his wife standing naked, gazing at him tenderly. Fido:
- I'm sorry, honey, but the computer's busy.

A computer guy had a screen saver for a fish. The cat was hospitalized

diagnosed with general exhaustion and socially dangerous behavior.

- Why do computers beep when you press a lot of keys at once?
- To wake up programmers who have fallen asleep at the keyboard!

There used to be two things you couldn't tear yourself away from - sunflower seeds and television. And now someone has invented the Internet!

A sign in the computer support department:

Theory is when you know everything, but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why.
THIS IS THE place where we combine theory and practice - nothing works and nobody knows why!

- What does "plunder the loot" mean? The son asked his software engineer dad.

- It's when you convert a pirated audio CD to mp3.

- I bought a computer from you. But it died.
- What's the warranty?
- Lifetime warranty.
- Once it's dead, it's out of warranty.

The manager came to the programmers and said: "Regarding your working hours: you have to come in at nine in the morning and leave at five in the evening." Everyone was angered by this statement, and a few immediately quit.

The manager then said: "Okay, in that case you can set your own working hours, just as long as your projects are completed on time." The programmers, satisfied, started coming in by mid-day and working until dawn.

Phone call to ISP:
- I have a problem again.
- What, you can't get in?
- I managed to get in, but it won't suck!
- Hmm. It's not our fault - we have a wide bandwidth...
- What's the channel got to do with it?! Who am I talking to? Is this a helpline?

Russian hackers hacked into the flight computer of a Russian SU-27 fighter jet, now the plane has an infinite number of missiles.

- What is the difference between a programmer and a politician?

- A programmer is paid money for programs that work.

A sysadmin is a person who can do whatever he wants with any numbers in a company's computers. Therefore, the sysadmin is the only person to whom the accountant calculates wages the old-fashioned way on paper.

The census of the programmer:

- Your mother tongue.
- How is that your mother tongue?
- What language have you been learning since childhood, have you been using it all your life?
- You know.
- No, the real one.
- Ah! The real one! C, then.

Russia and the USA have both created self-learning computers with artificial intelligence at the same time. Exactly in 1 year 22 days 13 hours 25 minutes 34 seconds the American computer hacked the control of nuclear missiles and destroyed all the life. The Russian computer did not care - it was drunk about 5-6 months before that.

A programmer was walking along the street, he saw his friend, his colleague, driving a brand new red Ferrari 512TR.

- Where did such a car come from?!
- I ripped it out of NFS with a debugger.

Ivan Tsarevich met the Serpent with one head in a field.

He took out his cloven sword and cut off the head, but in its place two heads grew. He cut off two heads and it grew to four; cut off four heads and it grew to eight.
So Ivan Tsarevich cut off heads until he cut off the Snake's 65536 heads, and the Snake Gorynych died, for he was 16-bit.

The latest Russian microprocessor has not only improved performance and reduced power consumption, but also four handy handles for carrying it by loaders, and an improved cooling system that can easily be connected to an ordinary water tap

The boy can't tear himself away from his computer. His parents called the doctor. The doctor examined him and said:

- He will have to be treated!
- How?
- With cigarettes, booze, girls...

Convenience is when you have a phone.

Abundance is when there's two.
Luxury is when you have three.
♪ Bliss is when there's none ♪

What do you know about computer women?

Internet woman: a woman who's hard to reach.
Server woman: busy whenever you need her.
Windows-woman: all men know very well that she can't do anything
right, but still can't live without her.
Excel-woman: she claims to know how to do a lot of things, but all you want from her is
sex and a hot dinner.
Woman-DOS: every man has had this woman in his life and you don't want her anymore

Virus woman (also known as "wife"): she comes in when she's least
expected, unpacks and immediately takes up all the space available. If
you try to get away from her, you lose something. If you don't try,
you lose everything.
The woman screener: she doesn't know how to do anything. But she's so funny!
Woman-RaM: if you break up with her, she'll forget all about you.
Winchester woman: she ALWAYS remembers everything.
Multimedia woman: she talks the most beautiful crap.
Female user: she breaks everything she touches, and she has exorbitant
Female CD-ROM: she gets faster and faster every time!
Woman-email: out of her ten phrases, one in eight is complete nonsense.

What a computer is like a man

He thinks he is smart, but he can't do without his mother.
Poke your finger and it will start.
Demands lots of toys and gadgets.
Stumbles if there is no keyboard nearby.
Always wants to get online.
Drops everything with enviable regularity.
Best not to get close to him from behind.
Doesn't work if there's nowhere to plug it in.
Can't stop asking stupid questions.
Likes to be dusted off and washed down with alcohol.
Can't stand sudden power fluctuations.
First it freezes, then it shuts down.
Complains about lack of memory, when in fact it lacks brains.
Mutters when he's stressed.
He is highly susceptible to viruses.
Unable to do anything: Everything depends on what you put in him.
Can't do anything on his own: it all depends on who is using him.
When one gets tired of tidying it up, one finally realises: it would be cheaper for oneself
to get a new one.

Windows: do you really want to delete this file?

User: yes!
Windows: Why?

- Yesterday I tried a new dope, "Strl v" it's called.

- How was it?
- It's good!

The worst thing is Microsoft programmers.
They have no one to blame in case of trouble.

Two programmers talking:

- Aren't you afraid that one day you will find a pink slip on your desk saying that you are fired?
- No, I'm not afraid, slaves are not fired, they are exchanged...

American school for gifted children, 1970, computer science class...
- Now, kids, what programs would you like to write when you grow up?
How about you, Peter?
- I'd write a cool utility that would quickly heal the hard drive
from errors like that!
- Well done, Peter! What about you, Eugene?
- I'd make a program that would compress files quickly and without glitches.
- Good one, Eugene. What about you, Billy? Why don't you say something?
- Oh, it's okay, it's okay. You'll all be quick, you'll all be glitch-free...

A group of riot police dispersed a crowd of striking programmers to 1 Gigahertz.

A programmer's guests arrive and he has a lot of noise and noise. In general his children are arguing with each other. The guests ask the programmer: why are your children shouting like that?

And he (tearing himself away from the computer) answers:
- Conflict of versions!


Seems to have made at least a two-day norm of posting to the Interesting and Humour thread. Stakhanov, however...

"Pot, don't boil it."

Just a good mood!!!!
Closed the put option on the RTS Index at a profit of 1700%?
Closed a put option on the RTS Index at a profit of 1700%?
Something like this.
SENSATION!!! It turns out that the core of Windоws is written using artificial intelligence technology! And like any intelligent being, it tries to work as little as possible.

Two programmers are having a conversation:
-Damn it, yesterday my wife called me and my modem picked up...
-So what?
-We talked for an hour and a half.

This is how the apocalypse will pass: with cameras and beers in hand. By the time the seventh angel blows his trumpet, the first six will have been uploaded to YouTube.

there was a dark period in the life of the Interesting and Humour thread... the third meaningless page began...
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