Interesting and Humour - page 739


Chinese doctors' handwriting


Chinese doctors' handwriting

When handwriting a pen, you can accidentally forge the signature of a person called "Ishishin".

ZS: I've come across a positive one online ))))



terapeut: it is enough to screw the shelf to the corners with one screw - at the wall. the second screw is generally of no use at all.

grafiny: if two holes are made, you have to do both!!!

terapeut: well, I'll remind you of that later today...


everything i thought was mysterious and rich inside turned out to be just fucked up.


The wife thinks her husband is the leader of the pack and therefore submits to him. If the wife begins to think of herself as the leader, she is no longer fit for further exploitation.


She'll stick needles in you and then be surprised that you're mean and prickly.


Two friends meet... haven't seen each other in ages. One proposes to the other:

-Come to my place, but don't be surprised - my wife and mother-in-law are deaf-mute.
They came. My wife set the table. The wife has got some time to come over to the table, takes a piece of bread, puts it to her ass and throws it out of the window. The husband gets up, has his mother-in-law in his mouth and pours a bucket of water over her. The guest is shocked.
- What was that?????
- Yeah my wife said 'Go get some bread' and I said 'I fucked your mother in the mouth, it's pouring like a bucket'.


At the party table, I sat on Katya's left and Pavlik on her right. Imagine our embarrassment when Pavlik and I met hands... Well, you know where...


She's a suspicious young lady, sees every strange man as a potential maniac, even after a walk with the dog tries to enter the staircase so that she's alone in the lift.
The other day, after an evening stroll with her little dog, she got into the lift, was about to press the button for the top floor - and then a typhoon rushes in the lift bulky man in his thirties...
She feels his unkind vibe with every fiber of her being and is already convinced of his dirty intentions, which is confirmed by his question:
- Girl?
Her friend swallowed a lump in her throat and whispered, almost wetting herself:
- No...
And then there was a look of genuine bewilderment on the ambal's face - he looks questioningly at his girlfriend's doggie and asks:
- Why the bow?
The friend, too, lowers her gaze and stares into the mutt's scarlet bow...

US patent office director considers litigation "progress"

"According to the latest trends, as of March 2013, the US patent system is moving to a 'first filer' scheme instead of the 'first inventor' scheme practiced today."

Tomorrow is SMS's 20th anniversary

"The world's first SMS message - "Merry Christmas" - was sent by Neil to a Vodafone director on 3 December 1992. It was sent from a personal computer and received on a 2.1kg Orbitel 901 'mobile phone'."