Interesting and Humour - page 2865

Йог проплыл 100 км в океане ради свободы
Йог проплыл 100 км в океане ради свободы
Этот побег из Советского Союза стал самым дерзким за всю его историю. Никому и в голову не приходило, что непокорный искатель свободы может сойти с корабля прямо посреди бескрайнего океана! Это произошло в СССР эпохи застоя: океанографу Станиславу Курилову в очередной раз отказали в визе на выезд из страны в экспедицию. Причина была проста...

Sergey Golubev:

And this is what happened to the teacher after the children's remarks:

The educator is in shock


Forest friendship.

FISH friendship...


Who knows what he's really talking about?
Vladimir Tkach:
Who knows what he's really talking about?
There was an original somewhere. A man was working. Washing pans. In the sea. They got washed away...
Vladimir Tkach:
Who knows what he's really talking about?

He got a job at a diner.

and after a day's work, the owner made him wash his pans, it was a busy day.

He tied them up and threw them into the sea so they could wash overnight.

In the morning, of course, the pans weren't there

and the landlord told him to pay for the pans.

he told him to fuck off and go look for a new job or he just took off.)

Who has laptops that run for a whole week? The question is of this nature - what is the best mode for a laptop that stays on from Monday to Friday inclusive: to unplug it periodically or to keep it on the cord for the whole five days?