Interesting and Humour - page 742

It's mass schizophrenia. It's all mixed up in there. Money, greed, power, self-importance etc. The best thing is to take the tobacco market out of existence. Free up funds for something useful. Simple as that. No, schizophrenics will tackle this simple issue for another few hundred years and eventually things will turn around and children will be given a cigar instead of a dummy to help them sleep better.
It's mass schizophrenia. It's all mixed up in there. Money, greed, power, self-importance etc. The best thing is to take the tobacco market out of existence. Free up funds for something useful. Simple as that. No, schizophrenics will tackle this simple issue for another few hundred years and eventually things will turn around and children will be given a cigar instead of a dummy to sleep better.
Take away the tobacco market - there will be riots, disgruntled populations, collapse and so on...What good did the law on public places do? It's the same as it was, it's the same as it is.
Take away the tobacco market - there will be unrest, disgruntled populations, collapse and so on...What good is a law on public places? What was and is, it's the same.

I sometimes make an attempt to consider some things from nature's point of view. In some questions, I can sometimes draw some logical conclusions. But there are questions that cannot be explained at all. In essence, we are just a very complex molecular structure. A complex, relative to our understanding, biological mechanism. Let's say nature uses us as tools in her hands. The cosmic algorithm has predetermined goals, and we, as well as everything we see around us, were created to achieve those goals. What it all comes to is not known to us and never will be, as it is impossible to grasp infinity.

Nature is always conducting different experiments. This is a continuous process. It conducts experiments on us, using us as functions or tools. It also experiments on us. But also on us, on others like us, and even on ourselves. Nature doesn't care how we feel, as it has its own goals and prioritises the end result above any functions or tools out there, which react painfully to any slightest deviation. It's all a very big lab, but not so big when you consider that compared to infinity, our planet simply isn't there.

Let's assume that in the case of tobacco, nature is conducting an experiment by us on ourselves. That is, in order to do this experiment, nature needs to grow tobacco in large quantities. It uses us to do this. Entire plantations have been created to grow tobacco. And now the algorithm goes into that branch, where a large number of test subjects amicably begin to consume this shit. Nature controls this process and does not allow all of her tools to consume this shit, as you could accidentally wipe everybody out and have to start all over again. It's a long time, so everything is fine tuned. You have to meet a certain timeframe. Do all the necessary experiments, put the lab together and turn around somewhere else in infinite space to do it all over again and try to do better.

So, if you think about it this way, what could be the purpose of this experiment? I mean, what are we consuming shit for? What could be the purpose and what is the point of it? Is it to test our asses for nicotine resistance? It's already been tested. We're rotting from the inside out, it's obvious. So the experiment is over. Maybe the point of the whole thing was to find out if we are going to rot from the inside out by using shit or if it will make us immortal. ))

That's just one of the assumptions. Like... All right, that's enough for today. )))


It is not clear what the "creator" is after, when in tsarist russia and later up to the 40s oil and rope were made from hemp, they were honoured and respected for their work, but later everything changed - growing hemp was banned, people caught with it are rotting in prisons.

The fact is that it was not an experiment in the name of man, but on the contrary, a new species created by the hands of the existing one, which may indicate a change in the rhythms of nature - the "creator".


It is not clear what the "creator" is after, when in tsarist russia and later up to the 1940s hemp was used to make oil and rope, which gave them honour and respect, but later everything changed - growing hemp was banned, people caught with it rotting in prisons.

It seems to be not an experiment in the name of man, but on the contrary, the destruction of man, the creation of a new species by the hands of the existing one, which may indicate a change in natural rhythms - the "maker".

That's the thing, it's not clear. And it never will be clear. In my opinion, it's all too cruel. Why doesn't nature, make tools that will perform its tasks unconsciously and insensitively? And then, when everything is set up, breathe consciousness into life, if necessary. But unfortunately we have to go through all that consciously or semi-consciously (probably different for everyone) and feel everything on our own skin. Some to a greater and some to a lesser extent.


Don't listen to that nonsense behind the wheel.))
Mischek 2012.12.02 20:57 2012.12.02 20:57:28 #


I don't know why he drove into the back of the UAZ.
Mischek 2012.12.02 20:57 2012.12.02 20:57:28 #


I do not understand why he drove into the back of UAZ.

Drove into the snow lane ... and there brakes or no brakes, the result is clear...

The situation is a trap for the inexperienced driver.

Mischek 2012.12.02 20:57 2012.12.02 20:57:28 #


I do not understand why he drove into the back of the UAZ
Fura is beginning to move into the left lane, on such roads had to brake immediately, to build up margin. And it was too pesky to go round on the left lane, it was slippery.

- What was that?

- That was nothing. Channel one's health programme
