Interesting and Humour - page 738


Special effects of domestic cinema from 1946.

It's a bacchanalia. :)


The perfect USSR.

The video is dated 1947, although some argue that it is a snapshot from the late 1940s and early 1950s. It shows a country that has built a bright socialist future. It is as if this country had not had a devastating war a few years ago in which it had suffered great losses and serious destruction. This is good Soviet propaganda.


Yeah. Their advertising slogan Ich bin doch nicht blöd (I'm not stupid) would not have caught on with the Slavs. :)


Yeah. Their advertising slogan Ich bin doch nicht blöd (I'm not stupid) would not have caught on with the Slavs. :)

rather, I'm not that stupid.

Interesting. Just dabbling ...and there it goes.) Not a meaningful construction.


Muscle memory
