Interesting and Humour - page 368


Type of thesis Candidate thesis
Type of thesis Candidate thesis
Leonid Kaganov - Wonderful news

"catch him and his dad and let him go to all the matches with our national team for free!" (c) Commentary on


"catch him and his dad and let him go to all the matches with our national team for free!" (c) Comment on

if you look closely, you will see that next to him is mum :)
If you look closely, you`ll see that there`s a mum next to him :)

there's, like, a sister in there. And the boy's name is Taras. Yesterday the whole Kyiv fanzone applauded him.

Then let's rewrite it:

"Catch him with his mom/sister and let him go to all the matches with our national team for free!" :)

I hope the atmosphere in Donetsk will be no worse (I'll go and have a look :))