Interesting and Humour - page 613


Grown-ups, it would seem :)


What the hell, 326 KM/Hour
Was it a man's voice? Maybe he introduced himself and you were just namesakes? Like, "Bank-tra-la-la-la-la, Department la-la-la-la, Valery. Name..."
just now I called - they said "Valery, state your surname, first name, patronymic to whom the contract is drawn up". So the previous time the operator didn't finish the sentence well enough :)

Would kill the authors


Would kill the authors

Or right now - What part of the brain can't be given two things to do at the same time?

Shit, 4th grade.

Mischek: I would have killed the authors.

Yeah, but in the spirit of the times: the Moscow Ring Road and beyond the Moscow Ring Road, in Soviet times it was like that:

The land of the ancient cities and opolye. With the fall of Kievan Rus the main political and economic life of the Slavs moved to the northeast - to the interfluve of the Oka and the Volga. Numerous population was concentrated here in short historical period. Opolye at that time appeared in extremely advantageous geographical position - in the centre of Slavic lands, protected from the restless steppe neighbours by water borders and heavy-distant dense forests.

That is to say, neither the Mongol Tartars nor the Poles nor... or... no one could get to Opolye. And it was not from there that the Russians/Slavs settled, but ran away from the Tatars, etc.


Yeah, but in the spirit of the times: the MKAD and beyond the MKAD, that's how it was in Soviet times:

i.e. neither the Mongols nor the Poles nor... or... no one could get to Opole. And that is not where the Russians/Slavs settled, but where they fled from the Tatars and so on.

Yeah, and there they were mauled by the Chud and Mordva, and the women were fucked and their children were called ..... The Tatar Tatars, who were left in their homelands, were considered sub-Slavs, and their languages were a distortion of the Great and Mighty. The newfangled theory of great Russism promoted by some "scientific and public figures", and that it was the cradle of all world civilization, is very pleasing.