Interesting and Humour - page 2799

Dmitry Fedoseev:
You certainly haven't met any good mosquitoes, with which even trousers won't help, only a diving suit will do the trick and you'll bend and dance.
So you're an ardent supporter of forest nudism? Why else would you make such a "compelling argument"?
The Federal Customs Service has set new taxes on parcels from abroad. Thus, for parcels whose price will range from €22 to €150, it is proposed to charge €10-15 tax. For parcels worth more than 150 euros - the same amount and 30 per cent of the product price. There will be no tax for parcels costing less than 22 euros.

It's a photo!!!

Joo Zepper:

It has always been a mystery to me why the more unthinkable and uncomfortable a pose is for a woman, the more attractive it is for a man...

Some kind of natural physiological paradox, though! :)

Women have a different centre of gravity than men.
Joo Zepper:

That's understandable. What I don't understand is why in such an awkward position?

A man would have found a suitable stump or a fallen old tree nearby, sat down, and then he would have had a good scratch. Anyway, men don't go into the woods without their trousers on. :)

And this one "in trousers" probably did not look for a suitable stump or fallen old tree, but "manly" decided to scratch (?) the nearest one:

And in general ... probably it would be a funny sight, if in summer tundra, when gnats and mosquitoes can surround a man with a black cocoon, to see a man looking for a suitable stump or fallen old tree to be scratched (I underline - in tundra, where it is difficult to find not only wood/stump, but even a stone).

P./S.: Both men and women are different. And situations can be different, too.

In other words, among both men and women there may be those who, including without protective clothing and repellent, may voluntarily or involuntarily serve as food for ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, etc.

Dina Paches:

And this one "in trousers" apparently did not look for a suitable stump or fallen old tree, but "manly" decided to scratch his back(?):

that's what real midgets do.
Joo Zepper:

That's understandable. What I don't understand is why in such an awkward position?

A man would have found a suitable stump or a fallen old tree nearby, sat down, and then he would have had a good scratch. Anyway, men don't go into the woods without their trousers on. :)

in a normal posture, but the legs don't grow out of the ears.

Joo Zepper:

The girl is good. The blonde in the birches looks particularly good.

But, it is not clear why her pose seems to hint that she is having a sciatica attack. What meaning the author wanted to bring to the reader? Especially it is about a cemetery...


A geology professor in Istanbul commented strangely on the results of the 1980 military coup.

In an interview with the Radikal newspaper, Geology Professor Gelal Şengor of Istanbul Technical University made a controversial statement that angered the public. According to him, eating fecal matter, which was used as punishment against prisoners after the 1980 military coup, cannot be called torture. In response, university students left a bowl of faeces in front of his office door and wished him a bon appétit.


It's a photo!!!

I once watched a swallow drink from the ice. At the Mega shop, an all-season ice rink, my granddaughter was skating and during a break after the ice rink was primed, I saw this mesmerising sight... The main thing is that I didn't expect it to happen more than once and I didn't take it off. Imagine a swallow flying over the ice and skimming water with its beak...